
Am currently in German with avisit visa im kenya & would to go to dubai fromhere to surch for job is it posib?

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how can i do that cause i have nothing back in kenya, am desperate, tried to live here but its not posible they said i must live. help please




  1. Having enough money to come and stay in Dubai on a visit visa, looking for a job, finding a suitable job right away, still having enough money to go back to Kenya and come back to Dubai on the right employment visa. This is a dream many foreigners are dreaming before they get stranded in the UAE.

    If you are highly qualified and an expert in any field, this dream could come through. But - if you belong just to "normal" people working as a servant, sales person etc. it will be very very hard and very costly to have that dream coming true.

    If you think Germany makes it hard on you - Dubai in this case is even worse because rents are extremly high and there is not such a thing like social welfare.

    To make a long story short. If you have enough money to pay the ticket to Dubai and a hotelroom for 30 or 60 days, try to find a job in within this time frame. If you succeed, you have to leave the UAE, go back to Kenya and wait for the right entry permit (employment visa) which will then be send to you by your company. Different than in Germany - in Gulf States you need a sponsor for everything. For a tourist visa a travel agency or hotel in Dubai will be your sponsor, when landing a job your company will be your sponsor.

    Please forgive me in advance in case I am wrong! If you do not have enough money - you'll be the perfect victim for human trafficers. Please think twice.

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me, let me know your profession and how much time you have left in Germany.

    Take care!

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