
Am filipina and have a german baby, can i bring my baby to my country and never return back to germany?

by  |  earlier

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i am married to a german




  1. You need a Document (permission) sign from the Child's father in order to get out of Germany with the child...

    If you are being abused but his father, please contact you consulate....

  2. That question you should ask, the father of the child and not us. If he agree then you could.

  3. That would be a really lousy thing to do to that baby's father.  If you want to leave, don't mess your kid up by raising him/her without his father in his life.  That's just messed up to even think about.

  4. You can't take the baby without his father's permission. Your husband may agree to this if you are willing to take a lower amount of child support than he would have to pay if you stayed in Germany.

    If you take the baby without permission you could lose custody to your husband and face prison if you ever returned to Germany. The same would be true if you and your husband lived in the Philippines and he took your child without your permission. Your child has two parents who both have to be part of his life and both need to be involved in making decisions.

  5. If you are getting a divorce, child custody should be settled in the divorce process.  If your husband has rights to the child, full or shared custody, visitation rights, or pays child support, if you take the baby out of Germany you are an "absconding parent" and Interpol will arrest you and bring you & baby back to Germany.  Then your husband gets sole custody while you rot in prison for a while.

    Do not take your child out of the country without written and verifiable permission of the court and of the baby's father.

    If you want sole custody, you must petition the court for it.  If the court grants it, since your child has a right to Philippines citizenship because you are a Philippines citizen, you may get a Philippines passport and take your child back to the Philippines.

  6. contact your consulate.

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