
Am going to start wearing v neck shirts!! Please answer?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think of a guy wearing v neck shirts? I am going to buy Proclubs? do you think this is a good brand? also don't want the v to be really long. I decided to wear v neck shirts but am in to hip pop so am going to put them on like lil waynee!!




  1. thats hawt it will look good:)



  2. v necks are pretty cool, but you make them seem g*y if you keep talking about them like this.

  3. yeah v necks are cool for men. I just hate when men have supper hairy chests, and yeah. But i think that would be cool as long as you like it.  

  4. i like it when guys wears V necks !

    go for it!

  5. its not that serious... calm down.. they look fine on dudes so stop worrying..  

  6. If you start wearing them , don't get the v super long or it will  look kind of g*y. Also if you wear a v - neck , and have chest hairs , shave them.

  7. v necks are really nice on guys. good choice

  8. i loove v necks on guys.. but only really on indie hipster sorta guys

  9. v-necks looks great on everyone. go for it!  :)

  10. Lol (: V-necks are fabulous like you don't look like your over doing the look and it's not a bore it's like the perfect shirt for girls and guys.So yeah it's definitely something you should do.

  11. g*y g*y g*y

  12. omg love it.

    get some from American Apparel.

    BUT!! its more for hipster guys.

    not hiphop.

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