
Am i'm losing too much weight too fast?

by  |  earlier

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I just started college on wedneday, and i've lost about 5 pounds since then. i've been feeling a little homesick and such, and i'm starting to notice that all of my clothes are loose. is this normal?




  1. Yes, you're definitely losing too much weight. You were very slightly underweight LAST week to begin with. You need to make sure you're eating properly and getting enough sleep. I know that starting college and being away from home is stressful, but you need to take care of yourself.

  2. i dont understand the feet and the pounds. is that fat???

    if you are fat then it might be normal to loose alot of weight in a short time space.

    if your not eating right you could be losing too quickly

    if your homesick then your body might be acting normally but bad for you to loose wieght. if you still losing weight in a wk or so see a doctor. if you wanna gain you 5 pounds back you can take som of mine. i dont know how much that is but i wanna go back 2 wat i weighed in yr 8 which is about 5kilo less^.^

  3. You need a big fat juicy cheeseburger

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