
Am i a good father? i am 14 with a daughter, i try to take care of her but her mom doesnt let me see her alot?

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like i want to. anyway some of my friends say they want kids, and i say its hard you should wait and they say how would you know you dont even see your kid you dont know how to be a father, but i try to see her as much as i can, and her mom is letting me see her more.

I try to give her everything.

Am I a bad father for not trying to do anything to get to see her more?




  1. you sounds like  a good father you would be a bad father if you didnt try keep it up it will only get easier to be around your daughter she will eventually see u want to be there and she wont be as dumb

  2. u know, for 14, u are doing awesome. most ppl your age wouldnt even care and run off becuz theyre scared. no, i think ur a great dad. its not ur fault at all. maybe ur girl is just paranoid. mothers get that way. i think if her own mom is letting u see her more, then thats good on u, bad on ur gf. U ARE THE FATHER and have every right to her. i think concentrating on both ur new daughter and u at the same time would be good. i mean it seams that her parents are taking care of her, so dont forget about ur life. dont let urs go to h**l, dont fall behind. but let ur gf and her mom know that u want to be a big part of ur daughter's life.

  3. Its tough when you are young and it seems like you are trying to do the best thing for your baby.  Your not a bad father at all.  Perhaps you could talk to your daughters mom and see what you can do to see her more.  

    And when someone makes a comment to you about not seeing your baby, you tell them that they have no idea what goes on in your personal life and you are doing the best you can with what you have to work with.

  4. Go to court and get visitation rights.

  5. No your not a good father! Your a GREAT father!!! What a wonderful person you are for being there for the baby. Your 14 years old and your working your butt for your baby and being there for her. You should give your self a pat on the back for a good parent you are. Your much, NO your A WHOLE LOT better then some of these young little boys, who can't even be man enough to just LOOK at there babys. They can be man enough to pull down there pants but can't even be man enough to step up and take care what they made. And hun... there some who are older then you and can't even do a job like that.

    Bless your wonderful heart.

    Now as for your friends! Your doing the right thing by telling not too. They have no idea what they will get there self into.

  6. no you're not a bad father, in fact you're a better father than half those assssssshole teenage fathers. Bless your heart it's sad how you had to learn it the hard way though. I would suggest talking with the bby mamma and arranging visiting hours and all that jazz, Your friends obviously don't know enough about kids considering the fact that they are kids themselves they can't wipe they're own asssssss what makes them think they're ready for a kid!?

  7. no I think your doing a great job because believe me theirs allot of fathers that don't even visit their kids at least your daughter knows that you love her  

  8. if you are trying to be in her life than kudos to you!!!

    there are too many dads who are "in" their kids lives who aren't involved.

    too many ex's try to use the kid as a cash cow or to cause drama.

    things done out of spite that only hurt the kids in the long run

    my fiance is in the exact same boat as you are. his ex wife is not letting him be in his daughters life as much as he would like

    we have seen her 4 times in 3 yrs. she's 3yo, 4 in feb.

    we are going to have to go to court to establish a new visitation order.

    her idea of a good arangement would be 1 wk this yr, 2 wks next and 3 when she's 6yo and so on.

    they live in ill we are in del. it's just not fair to any of us (is dad, me and his family) who want to be involved in her life

    i could go on but i just don't want to rant....

  9. you should see your child as often as you can and spend time with her but seriously...your a child yourself and really there is not much you can do besides be with her and love her.  

  10. That's not your fault. As a father you have the right to be with your kid unless court tells you otherwise. You don't have the right to be in someone else's home, but you can pick up your daughter if you are able to take care of her. The mother has exactly the same rights as you do. Also, you don't want to start a fight because that is terrible for your child but you can see your daughter. Get an adult to help you.

  11. I don't think you're a bad father.  Many teenage boys who get their girlfriends pregnant don't want to have anything to do with their children.  It's admirable that you want to take care of your daughter.  Maybe you could talk to your daughter's mother and to her parents, and explain how important it is for your daughter to have a father?  Maybe you could explain to them how much you want to see her and help take care of her?  Maybe your parents could go with you, for moral support?  If this fails, you can consult a lawyer and get visitation rights.  

    Please be more careful in the future, though.  Don't have s*x until you're married, or at least until you're an adult.  And use precautions, so you don't have any more unplanned pregnancies.  

    Best of luck to you.

  12. I got pregnant at nineteen and I am still learning how to be a good mother. Sometimes it's hard to be sure of yourself as a young parent when you really didn't have enough time to enjoy being a kid.

    but you sound like a wonderful father. right now you can only do as much as the mother allows and that's not fair at all to you. If this continues, you should get a lawyer.

    don't worry about what your friends say, sweetie. They sound pretty harsh to me. You've had to grow up a lot faster than them and you should tell them that that's why they should listen to your advice.

  13. wow man... you have a lot on your shoulders. My dad abandoned my family when i was 13 and my mother had a nervous breakdown and gave up on us. I had 4 sibblings that i tried to raise the best i could.. 14 is a rough age as it is. I know you love your daughter but you still have mush to learn. You're too young to have that kind of classification put on your shoulders... a 14 year old should be, getting freshmen initiation or something! haha..

    Do your best. You're young. Plenty of much older men are much worse fathers. You're young and still have a loving heart. I'm sure the initial reason for your daughter was out of love! (whatever love is to a 13-14 year old..)

    Do your best. Be strong and firm, and explain to the mother that you want to see your daughter more. It's not your place to FULLY raise a child yet. But it is important to stay connected.

    Do what you can to the best of your ability. In my opinion, its not possible for a 14 year old top be a bad parent. Moreso a kid that has a lot on his plate and is limited to what he can do.

    KEEP YOUR LIFE IN ORDER. if you play your cards wrong now, you'll end up living off of welfare and cleaning toilets the rest of your life. Make sure you stay focused. Your daughter will be much better off with a successful supportive father than with a bum who had her when he was 14. You can't change the past. You can shape your future.

    God Bless...

  14. ur not bad i mean ur 14 theres not alot u can do but speak to her or her parents go and get legal advise. but maybe at ur age u can get in big trouble coz ur under age for s*x well in my country

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