
Am i a mentally retarded?

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All my life i have had problems socializing, i just have problems with not knowing what to say. This in turn has led me to become a loner throughout my life because i got sick of people asking me ''Why are you so quiet?''...So avoidance has been the easier way out for me. My mind is so muddled up with random thoughts i can't string a sentence together almost, and i am constantly anxious. I can't focus on anything, for example i will be watching tv o'r playing my guitar and my mind will drift to irrelevant thoughts in my mind. I can't enjoy life this way. I am convinced that i have some sort of mental dissability.




  1. Social Anxiety Disorder often treated with Paxil

  2. I wouldn't call it retardation but could be ADD or Aspergers which is a kind of autism.

  3. if you were mentaly retarted it wouldve been pronounced at birth so no and if you were you'd know it

  4. No, you're not mentally retarded.  I think you're very capable of more than you give yourself credit for.  Your entire question and everything you wrote proves that you're not mentally retarded and that you are capable of stringing sentences together perfectly fine.  I think it may be more of a social anxiety for you, as you mentioned you have problems knowing what to say so you remain quiet.  Keeping focus seems to be a tough thing for many of us.  We're all constantly thinking about some thing or another cosecutively.  In your case, since it's keeping you from enjoying life, then I think there may be a problem there.  Thus, I think you may have social anxiety in combination with ADD.

    Perhaps you should see a psychologist to discuss your problems.  Allow yourself to talk slowly or write down how you feel and talk about what you're going through psychologically and what changes you would like to see in yourself.  If you feel that the psychologist is not able to help as you would like and you feel you may need medication, only THEN go to a psychiatrist as I don't feel that a magic pill shouldn't be an easy fix for mental health (or any bodily health for that matter).

    An alternative method I can recommend is watch what is in your diet.  Processed foods are toxins for the body.  Take soda for example, the amount of sugar (or if you're drinking diet, aspartame) it contains, hits the body instantly.  Aspartame and other artificial artificial sweetners have proven to affect the mind (causing schizophrenia, dimentia, paralysis, etc in some).  The same goes for saturated fats and fast foods.  Also try excersizing or going out for a jog in the fresh air.  Try breathing excersizes.  Again, these are just a few small ideas.

    Which ever method you decide, I wish you all the best.

    Good Luck & hang in there!

  5. no, most mental people dont know they are retarded

  6. Judging by your writing you are definitely not mentally retarded.You are just different.

    You can improve your brain functions indefinitely by changing your diet.

    My advice is try it.You have nothing to lose only gain by it.

    Start the omega 3 diet.I have researched omega 3 acids for 2 years and performed a very successful experiment on myself and few of my volunteer friends.Few months of the omega 3 diet i cured my stress[and/or depression] problems permanently and significantly raised my intelligence,improved memory,sight,reflexes[and many other known and unknown benefits]and without any drugs or supplements in the form of pills.

    Take two table spoons of grinded flaxseed[rich with omega 3 and cheap]a day[with a glass of water] and in a few months you will start to notice significant improvement in your mental health[you will become more psychologically stable,among other things].Use a coffee grinder.Whole seeds cannot be digested by the hydrochloric acid in our stomach only grinded seeds.A fact and not a assumption.You have nothing to loose only gain by it.There are many articles on the internet about the omega 3.2 years ago before i started the diet i did not feel so stable or happy how i feel today.

    Flax is the best source of ALA omega 3 fatty acid which our body converts to more important fatty acids called DHA and EPA.For the efficient conversion to take place,foods containing a large amount of the following nutrients must be consumed along with the flaxseed:C,B3,B6 [vitamins],zink and Magnesium [minerals].I recommend 3 table spoons of flax with 100 grams[or more if to your liking] of almonds and/or 250g of green peas,1 kiwi every day.[do not take more then 3 table spoons of flax because large amounts can cause intestinal gases which can cause abdominal pain and/or constipation.If three spoons causes abdominal discomfort lower the dosage to 2 table spoons of grinded flax and elevate it to 3 table spoons after your body adapts to high fiber content].The flaxseed itself is not important.The omega 3 that are inside them are.

    The information in the following link should provide you with the nutritional facts of most if not all known fruits and


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