
Am i a nerd- i want to become a history teacher, im only 16?

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Am i a nerd- i want to become a history teacher, im only 16?




  1. No you're not a nerd. You just know what you want and people love to be jealous of that. Do what you  love to do and don't worry about other people's criticism.

  2. Nope.I'm 16 and love history myself,i just find it so interesting (:

    I can probably be found normally watching many documentaries,no matter how often i get told by my friends it's not cool haha

  3. lol some nerds are cute. i think you are smart ^^ goodluck and have fun!

  4. you are not a nerd, people call me one all the time, but i know it's not true, but no, you are NOT a nerd. I think that it's cool that you want to be a history teacher and you already know what you want to do. Good Luck!

  5. Not to me.  I was 14 when I decided I wanted to be a math teacher.

  6. No, if it interests you.

  7. no! there's nothing wrong with history or being a history teacher! Knowing history is so important. just make sure you're teaching the correct history and not the c**p the bunk education system wants you to.

    I'm envious, i'd love to be a total history buff sometimes but it just doesn't stick.

  8. my history teacher in high school played basketball with us during lunch every day, and he schooled most of our varsity players. Doesnt sound like a nerd to me!

  9. no, it's pretty fcuking awesome that you have goals, considering many 16 year olds don't. and if someone says you ARE a nerd, who cares? do what you gotta do to watch out for yourself- meaning, plan for the future!! stick with it, and good luck to you in the future!

    besides, who doesn't like history? lol- i watch the history channel ALL THE TIME!!! it's an interesting topic full of everything imaginable.

  10. Yes, that makes you a complete nerd!!! I am only joking, so do not taking it literally. :P I too think it is cool and wonderful and sweet that you want to become a history teacher. I want to become a third grade teacher, but I can see how much stress teachers are under and I wonder if I can tackle that stress, as well. Good thing I still have about one an a half years to decide and volunteer my butt off.

    Sorry for writing so much gibberish. I wish you luck in you career and watch out for me because I will become the best third grade teacher!!! Or at least i hope so... :)

  11. aww thats  so sweet. no i think that wonderful

  12. No, ha ha not at all:P My history teacher is HOT and he is like the coolest guy, just because u like history doesnt make you a nerd!

  13. no you are not

    its nice to have goals

  14. yup

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