
Am i a threat to myself anymore???

by  |  earlier

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ok..I am 13 years old and my dad killed himself i have been beat up and teased all my life, and when i am stressed out i scratch myself.My mom Finally said i can be home schooled.Am i no longer a threat to myself??what do u think???

P.S how do u get rid of the burn???

I scratch the top of my hand really hard

16 minutes ago

I cant stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. does a councelor count as a doctor? because you need to talk to someone like that who knows what they are talking about so you can find out how to stop.  

  2. Scratching yourself isn't that bad at all...but any form of hurting yourself isn't good. Find a hobby to take your mind off it.

  3. go to the doc maybe he can help?

  4. All you need is someone to talk to. Having a parent commit suicide is a horrible thing for you to go through, but do you really feel that by hurting yourself, you are doing yourself any favors?

    This is your way of releasing your feelings. There are other ways out there that are so much more positive (and less painful!) than scratching yourself. Try finger painting. Buy some flat canvas, or just a big notebook and splash the paints everywhere. Scratch them, slap them, whatever you want. Starting writing. It doesn't have to be poetry, not everyone is poetic. Just write about how you feel. If you have someone you trust (your mother, a friend, or a counselor) let them read it if you feel comfortable with doing so. If not, keep it to yourself.

    If you need something more physical, get a baseball bat and beat the c**p out of trees. Find an old pillow and beat your bedpost with it. Do anything that isn't physically hurting your body.

    You just need some love and attention. You deserve a wonderful life and by hurting yourself, you're not achieving that.

  5. you need meds for your anxiety.  Use neosporin and get some emu oil it heals quickly and helps with scarring.  Your very young and your emotional scars will heal, give yourself the love and kindness that you have missed in life and it will mold you into a strong person, who everyone loves and wants to be around.  Smile.  Give me best answer if this helps.

  6. It sounds like you have a lot of pain and feelings of abandonment from your fathers suicide.  Home schooling may or may not help.. I strongly reccomend journaling.. just write out every single feeling you have. Each time you feel like hurting yourself, write about why..

    You need to be strong for your mother. the last thing you need is to hurt yourself and make this tradgety any worse for her.  You may want to ask her if you can go to counseling too.  These feelings are soo strong, it might be difficult for you to deal with them yourself at such a young age.  

  7. Since you scratched the top of your hand really hard, I think you are still a threat to yourself. I think that you'll get over hurting yourself in time, and if you don't, or you get worse, you should go to a doctor, even though you said no doctors.

    It's better to get help then to sit in your pain. I think people need to go to the doctors the most when they have lost someone.

    Best wishes!

  8. Sounds like your going through  a very hard time. Telling us the public of the world your problems is a good start.

    The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem which is self harm.. Next step is you need to speak out and take action on your feelings..  You will and can survive this :)

    Good luck xx

  9. You need to talk to someone. Staying home and avoiding the issue won't help anything. You need to learn how to cope with your emotions.  

  10. therapy and rehab.

  11. i think you should see a  phychiatrist  

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