
Am i a tomboy or a girly girl?

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Am i a tomboy or not everybody says i am i like football,mud,skateboarding,climbing trees,have a LOT of brusises,scabs,and scratches,sweat alot,usally wear caps,and barley ever takes showers!(my mom has to fight me too)Pink is just sick! And if u wear makeup,skirts,dresses or high heels your just plain nuts.Dudes and dudets of the world i need awnswers.......FAST




  1. Yeah I would say you are pretty much a tomboy if you think all that then!! You just gotta know if you agree with yourself as being a tomboy!

  2. >.>

    You kind of awnsered your own question.

    But your a tomboy.

  3. tomboy... My God there is such thing is the perfect girl :)

  4. tomboy

  5. you sound like a tomboy, but you sound like someone with bad personal hygiene, even boys shower my love! no one likes a stinky kid

  6. Ha ha this is exactly like me. Except I take a shower everyday. But theres nothing wrong with being a tomboy. I have fun being me so I don't care what other people think. =]

  7. It's perfectly fine to like all the things you do and it doesn't make you a boy. You don't have to wear makeup or high heels to be a girl.

    Just bathe, please.

  8. I hate both stereotypes, most people fit somewhere in the middle, but you are you. Don't be putting a label on yourself and try to let the label define you. Be yourself.

    Oh, and by the way, get in the shower.

  9. I think the answer is obvious. -_-

  10. You are a tomboy. Don`t worry i`m a tomboy too!

  11. i think you know the answer, but i would say you're a tomboy.

  12. Your a home-boy!!!!!!

  13. hahaha youre like me! :D

    for sure youre not girly

    i have scars all over from falling and fighting with my cousins

    im comfy in jeans and a loose tshirt!

    my hair is always in a ponytail or a bun or a beanie :)

    i dont like pink either...

    you just like to have fun! :D

  14. eww take more showers. thats just disgusting. just please be more of a girl you loser because when you get to high school than nobody will want to be around you. not even guys

  15. U basically answered your own question. Yes u are a tomboy

  16. if the kids at your school say your a girly girl than your probably exaggerating just a little but from all the thing that you do and get you sound like a tom boy I'm a tom boy too but i still paint mi nails. and high heals and mini skirts aren't girly girl ether that's just hoochy!!! but girly girl is were you were dresses that are like White or light pink and pick flowers at recces but i hang out with boys only some girls but more boys and if they are girls than they are like me and are boyish

  17. Haha! you perfectly know that you are NOWHERE neaar being a girly girl! HAHA

  18. you are a tomgirl

  19. who would think your a girly-girl?I say tomboy. But it sounds like you love to have fun.

  20. Your a tom boy I would say. There is nothing wrong with being a tomboy, it just shows that you are an individual and you don't have to follow the crowd to be happy!

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