
Am i a vegan, vegetarian or none of these things?

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ok, i believe that killing animals is wrong, and i refuse to eat anything that comes from like cows, chickens, pigs and that sort of thing, but i do drink milk... so what does that make me, cause i don't think you actually have to kill a animal to get milk.. so i don't see why it is bad.. unless you like torture that animal for its milk... can someone help me, or guide me, in some way?




  1. You are a lacto vegetarian for that matter. Its almost impossible to find a free range products like milk coming from cows.

  2. just a vegetarian

  3. As someone else said, "lacto-vegetarian", which is an over-classification in my opinion, but whatever.  You're vegetarian.  Vegans don't consume any animal product (including eggs, honey, etc...) nor are they supposed to wear any animal product (though many tend to overlook this aspect).

    That said... many cows actually ARE tortured for milk... locked up in confined spaces, shot with hormones, abused, and even killed if they "act up" (ex: a female cow has babies, the farmhands take them away to slaughter them, she throws a fit, she's killed, etc...).  In fact, it's very common practice in corporate farms for animals to be abused and tortured for milk, eggs, etc...  The only way to be reasonably sure they're not is to buy from farms which are "organic" and "free range" (and even then there are sometimes some iffy farm practices).  I'm vegetarian but eat dairy, eggs, etc... but only from farms I know treat animals humanely (most of which I've actually seen the farms).

    Horizon is a very common brand found EVERYWHERE that treats their cows humanely.

  4. Your still a Vegetarian.  Admittedly I am an Omnivore...I like Meat and Vegetable!  But I don't think that your consumption of Dairy Products such as Milk,Cheese,Yogourt etc. will disqualify you from being a Vegetarian!  Most Hindu cultures are Vegetarian as well,and they certainly do not exclude Dairy from their Diets. Simply because of the very reason that you had does not involve the killing of an Animal!  My Wife is for the most part...a Vegetarian. But occasionally She'll eat some Fish-like Tuna or Salmon. She reasons that a Vegetarian Diet is largely a good thing,but it is really difficult to get all of your dietary needs met exclusively on Vegetables alone!  Incidently...She works as a Nutritionist,and she just told me to tell you that if you are going to carry on in your Vegetarian should supplement your Diet with a good quality Multi-Vitamin!  This will ensure that your nutritional needs are being met in those areas that cannot be completely covered in a Vegetarian Diet!  She can't consume any Dairy because she is allergic to the Bacteria in Milk!  She suppliments it with a Soy Milk Shake with Berries and a Banana added into it for Flavour!  You may also want to look up Vegetarian Recipe Ideas from books written by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond!  Hope this can satisfy some of your Questions!

  5. Milking a cow to give milk to human beings is naturally done.  A female cow gives it to her childern and if there's too much in her body, a certified "milker" will take it from her gently and without any pain or your thought of someone torturing a cow.

    If you are only eating fruits, veggies, ice cream, puddings and even cookies, then you are definitely a vegetarian.  I just hope you are able to gain weight to stay healthy as you get older.

  6. You're a vegetarian.  

    If you honestly want to know why you shouldn't drink milk because of "torture" here are a few good reasons:

    1. Because the cows are given hormones to over produce milk , which in turn, causes them pain from being too "full".

    2. Because when cows are over milked, especially with machines that the dairy industry uses, they get sores and open wounds that cause them pain.

    3. Because those sores ultimately get infected, then they have to treat the animal with antibiotics, which in turn, gets into your milk.  

    4. Those sores that get infected contain puss, and guess what?  You're drinking that too.  The USDA actually allows a certain amount of puss to be in your milk and that, folks, is why your milk goes bad so fast.  

    If you really want to drink milk, drink all organic, the cows are treated better and not given any hormones or antibiotics.

  7. you are a lacto vegetarian which means you eat fruits,vegetables & milk products but you do not eat eggs or meat or fish

  8. you are vegetarian. vegans don't eat any animal products and that includes things like: eggs, milk, honey etc.

  9. Your vegetarian.

    By supporting the dairy industry, you are strictly supporting the veal industry as well. A cow needs to be pregnant to produce milk, what do you suppose happens to that male calf that does no use?

    However, I don't want to make you feel like you aren't doing anything as is! Its great you've stopped eating meat, and thats a wonderful place to be. Just take it easy and do what you can to make a difference, that all the matters. Don't beat yourself up for the things you can't or aren't doing.. there are alot of people that like to take it all the way, but you dont necessarly have to be one of them if its just not right for you. Any effort at all is great!

  10. you are a lacto-vegetarian.

    Here is more information about the various vegetarian diets

    And some info on the dairy production

    They are too long to type here.

  11. Let me continue the list started by a prior poster:

    5. If you're a new mother (human or animal) and your child is taken from you hours after birth would you freak out?  Mother cows do.

    6. 1 in 5 male calves are shipped to the veal industry to spend their few months of life in a grate than they can't move in.

    7. The other 4 male calves are killed on dairy property because they cost too much to feed.

    8. Female calves are put back in the system to spend their days pregnant or soon to be again.

    9. Fully 25% of dairy cattle are slaughtered before they are 3 years old. Only 25% of dairy cattle live more than 7 years, although the natural life span for cattle is 20-25 years.

    These "animals" experience pain, sadness, loneliness, depression, joy, satifaction.  All the things we do.  We need to stop thinking only about ourselves and start thinking of them.  These things that I have listed also refer to "organic" dairy cows.  They are all thought of as commodities.  What will make the most money.

    As far as drinking milk is concerned - it's not good for you, it's high in fat and low in fiber, it has a legal amount of pus in it, it is cruel to the animals and its production hurts the environment.  People only drink it for selfish reasons: they are used to it and/or they like the flavor.  People need to grow up and start being more noble and more compassionate.  Choose nobility.

  12. Your a vegetarian (like me) because you don't eat meat but you still eat milk and (i'm assuming probably eggs). You are not a lacto vegetarian as some people have said because you do eat milk and a lacto vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat dairy products or meat. Also you are not a vegan because vegans don't use any animal products at all. x*x

  13. you're just a vegetarian... unless, like a lot of people that won't eat meat, you eat fish.  Then you're a pescetarian.

  14. as long as you dont eat fish meat or slaughterhouse by products like gelatine, whey etc you are vegetarian. Also look out for ingredients such as cochineal which is insect blood used as a coluring and shellac which is from crabs. Cows DO suffer to produce milk they are constantly made pregant then their calves taken away and the males killed. Theyget infected teats from constant milk and some of the pus from the teats gets into the milk even after pasteurisation. Look on websites such as VIVA! and PETA for more  info

  15. well people are vegans because they see the dairy and egg industry as torture because they think if you dont eat meat why would you support other forms of animal abuse.

    They see it as eggs are baby chickens and milk is wrong because either that fact how people are not even supposed to take animal products period and you were only supposed to drink breast milk as a baby it can be extreme for some to do that full time (like me aspiring vegetarian and buddhist0 but they do have some points i would agree with to an extent

  16. If you eat NO dead animals (yes, that includes fish and also includes slaughter byproducts like gelatin, lard etc...) but you do eat dairy products, you are a vegetarian.

    Vegans don't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever, regardless of whether or not the animal died for it.  We don't drink milk or eat eggs because animals do live short, brutal lives full of pain and suffering in order to produce those things in the quantities demanded by the market.  And they are all slaughtered in the end; there's no retirement home for cows that can no longer produce milk.

  17. you're vegetarian. a vegan doesnt drink milk.

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