
Am i a weird person?

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ok so i have this guy friend who asked me out and i think i like him but i dont really want to go out with him.(by the way im 13 and ive never gone out with someone)i mean even if i went out with him i wouldnt even know what im supposed to do! i go to a private school ( with a total of 54 students)that my 8 year old little sister also goes to and im not really allowed to date and my sister would tell my parents!! so like we wouldnt even do anything cuz theres like 5 teachers outside supervising during lunch and the whole thing would be so awkward..also me him and this other girl are like best friends so i think my friend would feel strange to hang out with us when were going out.


i want to go out with him but its just so weird and ughh i hate this!!

please help me teenagers who have gone through this?

if i go out with him what do i do? or should i just say no?




  1. yeah lady. since your 13. it will last a week or 2 and then you'll break up. it always happens when your young. he'll be dating your best friend as soon as you look away. a month later you'll be holding hands with him again.  

  2. your not weird you are just going thru the age where you want to feel special to someone.  its normal but you really should talk to you parents.  i bet they wont get mad if you are up front and open with how you feel.  you will probably have different talks with your mom and dad, but both can give you feed back as to how you are feeling from a women and from a former boy.

  3. Tell him that you like him, but also let him know your reasons for holding off. If he's worthy of being your first boyfriend, then he'll wait until a later time.

    For now, be friends. It's best to not rile your parents on these matters.. because if you end up wanting to spend a lot of your time with him, they might try to ground you if you're not following their rules and everything.

    Keep it simple.

    Good luck! :D

  4. date when you are ready, but don't wait too long because then you will regret it.

  5. follow your instincts...they're there to help you out in life and this time they are right on! . You certainly are way too young to do this. By the way, how old is this person asking you?

  6. just tell him your reason that you're not ready to date with him right now. explain to him wisely and briefly, and when you believe to your own right, there is no repentance in the future.

  7. Tell him you are too young to be dating and you would rather be friends.  

  8. Just say no. You are too young and not ready to date right now.

  9. okay. first off: how does that make you weird. kido youre probably as normal as the next girl.


    ask yourself: what feels right?

    cause you don't want to put yourself in a position where your dating a guy and  your life is even more complex- your 13, that's tons of growing up to do! you may not be ready and i doubt your parents think you are (if you think you are; talk to them, before your sister does!)

    however, maybe you don't want to let this chance slip by?

    can't you see each other outside of school? like at a park or something?

    good luck on whatever you choose.and don't feel too presured...YOUVE GOT THE REST OF YOUR LIFE FOR THAT!!!!

  10. simply tell him "im not allowed to date until im "whatever age"...i didnt start dating until i was 15 and i hid it from my parents for months and my mom was so hurt that i didnt tell her about it...dont date if your not ready...stay friends..

  11. noooo! dont date yet! why is everyone dating so young now?!?!?!

    my first gf was at 21!  wait and grow my friend. wait and grow.

    if he really likes you he'll understand when you tell him, "if you really like me, lets just be friends for right now."

  12. i think you just answered your own question and in capital letters "SO BASICALLY I'M JUST TOTALLY NOT READY FOR DATING" i would go with that, dating is a whole big mess and if you are not ready for the issues that come with it don't until you know for sure that you are ready :D good luck

  13. So you are going to date him when you:

    A.) Don't know what a date is.

    B.)Can only see him at lunch during school hours.

    C.) You cannot really go anywhere... so it cannot actually be considered a date.

    D.) Your parents would find out and you would be in trouble.

               Sorry, but I think you better wait until you are older because it sounds like impending doom for you if you proceed with it. read what you put in capital letters dear....YOU AREN'T READY TO DATE.

  14. say no.

  15. date when you are ready, if you date when your not. you will not have much fun and it will just become a drag or turn out bad. save your self the pain, and wait till your ready.

  16. Youre not mature enough

  17. You failed to tell us something important. Are you female or male? HAHAHA!

  18. sweetie at 13, you are way too young to be trying to date anyone on a serious level.

    However, if you are going to, remember to be respectful of your other friend. I'm not saying don't go near the guy because she doesn't like it. I'm saying be aware that she may be uncomfortable watching you two flirt constantly. Other thing, remember that this guy is your friend. Be prepared for your friendship to possibly end if things go badly.

    But you're 13. Trust me, enjoy yourself right now. It's hard enough later as it is.  

  19. you're not weird, this is a normal situation.  Just tell him no and that you want to wait until you're older and the situation feels more right.
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