
Am i a weirdo? i think i am!?

by Guest64738  |  earlier

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i have adhd, and everyday i kinda get this rush of energy where i get really excited for no reason, and then i start going crazy. I try my hardest to be normal, but i can't i just feel really happy and i start saying stupid things and acting like a 5 year old. I'm 14 now, and i'm not on medication for any of this i was a couple of years ago, but it kinda made me not eat and stuff. But yeah my mum doesn't want me on tablets. but she gets annoyed with me when i'm acting stupid, even the kids at school call me crazy, i really want to not be crazy, i hate being called a weirdo, by both my parents and friends.




  1. can you kind of channel your energy ?? like sport or exercise or something you like that helps you ?? .But really a lot of 14 year olds act like kids some time ,they grow out of it ,I know its more than that for you but you will grow out of it too...

  2. you are fine, everyone else is a wierdo!

  3. it mite not be yor fault u may hav ADHD maybe something ij your brain is not functioning properly no offence

  4. It's unfortunate you believe you're a weirdo as there are many people with ADHD and each case is different is some respects.  

    You mention only your mother's wishes that you not be on medication but, quite honestly, she isn't at all qualified to make this judgment unless she's a Medical Doctor.  Is your father not in the picture?  What does your family doctor have to say about this?  Were you, ever, referred to counseling?   You are the person with this illness and are feeling like a social misfit due to behaviour beyond your control but your mother isn't, VERY, concerned?  As soon as possible, you must see your family doctor to discuss this and, perhaps, ask him/her for a referral to someone who specializes in treatment of ADHD.  If your mother won't make the appointment - you make it as she doesn't, legally, have the right to with-hold medical treatment for you.  There are choices in medication, and new ones  since your last prescription, which may be of help to you.  .Many times, the only way to find something which works is to try more than one, as a single medication, or in combination with another.    Bookmark the website below - it has information, in many areas, that you will refer to during the next few years.  

    Make that appointment!!  (Read my profile.)

  5. You are 14. Your hormones are unbalanced right now, that is most likely why you are crazy. You should try to eat a healthy balanced diet and get lots of exercise.  That will help you deal with the excess energy and help get you balanced. I don't think you are a weirdo. You are just a normal kid.

  6. I know someone who has adhd and you should probably ask your mum to get you tablets. im not sure how severe you have it but just be happy as you are. o and im a wierdo to though i dont have adhd lol but im proud of it

  7. Of Course you would hate to be called a wierdo, you are not a weirdo, you have medical problem, you are different to some kids, but you are not a weirdo, I know you, and you need to keep away from sugar and a lot of processed foods to help you to be able to concentrate more and you might find that you are better controlled, I know that it always used to afect you badly, when you used to have sugar straight away you started acting like that, and when you were off sugar for a time, things started improving for you, I think you'll find, that if you watch your diet and eat healthy you will feel much better, and you won't be acting up so much anymore, it doesn't mean you won't have ADHD any more, but, it will help you feel better. Try to stick to lots vegetables, protein,and loads of fruit instead of sugar, you will se a world of difference and still be able to satisfy your sweet tooth, but whatever you do, also keep away from artificial sweetners they,  some of them, can be even worse than sugar and they can even cause cancer things like aspartamaine and Sacharin etc, even foods that say sugar free they contain aspartamaine instead, so they can still harm you, what your brain chemichals react to is by what goes through your intestinal system, so you can help your problem by your diet, the rush of energy says it all, there is something in your diet that is afecting your brain chemicals to react that way.

  8. LOL, there is nothing wrong with having ADHD. If people don't know how to accept it then that's too bad for them. Your not a weirdo, your just you. You have nothing to do with the hand that you were dealt and you shouldn't worry about what people say or think of you. As for your parents calling you a weirdo, just tell them that you don't like being called it and they should respect you enough to stop. I'm sure it is all in good fun but let them know how you feel. I hope this helps. =D

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