
Am i adopted i dont know if my (MoM) is my birthmother?

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she says im not adopteded and she has no proof that im hers and she wont answer me when i asked her yesterday




  1. Hi Sarah,

    That is a very important question and one that you have every right to know.  I answered this question for someone else here the other day.  This link will give you some things to consider to help you determine if you are adopted or not:;...

    I hope this is helps.  Good luck Sarah.  If it turns out you are a LDA (late discovery adoptee) there is support available for you.  Don't hesitate to come back if you have more questions.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  2. I hope you find the truth.  People condoning secrets and lies in families by saying 'it doesn't matter' are so wrong.  Everyone deserves the truth.

  3. Ask her for the proof. Ask family members. I hope your not and she is hiding the truth because that is wrong. Are you asking if you are adopted. You might not look like oneof you family member but still be their child.

      My son has 2 children that are blond hair blue eyes. My son is black hair and dark brown eyes. And these children are his. So you never know who you might have got your looks from.

  4. Why do you think you are adopted?  There has to be a good reason for you to feel this way; most people don't just assume they are adopted without some cause.

    Is there another family member that you trust that you can talk to about this, someone who is older who would have been around at the time of your birth or adoption (if that is the case?)  An aunt or uncle, perhaps?

    If you request a birth certificate and you ARE adopted, you'd just get an amended certificate that has your adoptive parents' names on it, and that wouldn't do you any good.  You need to get the truth from someone who was around back when you were an infant and knows your family history.

    Good luck; everyone has a right to know their truth.

    ETA: And you can decide for yourself who your "real" parents are; don't let anyone else dictate that to you.  Your life and your truths are your own, don't ever let anyone try to take them from you!  Good luck with your search.

  5. do you guys look alike and have the same ethnic backround?

    if not you were probablly adopted

  6. YOu probably insulted her by asking her that question.  Your mom is the woman who raised you, loved you, stayed up with you all those sick nights, put clothes on your back and food on the table.  Giving birth to a baby doesn't automaticly make you a mom.  So what ever came into your mind that made you think this, get it out of your mind.  And go give your mom a big hug.  You'll understand more when you become a parent.

  7. Go request a birth certificate from vital records in the city where you were born.

  8. My 2 boys are half Italian. They got their fathers olive pigment, dark hair, and dark eyes. I am Irish, English and Scotch. Basically as white as they come, natural blond hair with lots of red highlights in my youth (now it comes out of a box) and bright blue eyes. No one thinks my kids are mine especialy in the summer. No matter how tan I get I'm still sour cream next to them. Maybe your not adopted. My current husband is Native American Indian and Hispanic. Everyone thinks the boys are his and I'm the step parent. Makes for great conversation.

  9. Why do you think you are adopted? Do you have reasons to believe you are? Maybe you can look for pictures of when she was pregnant and when you were a baby. Most mom's will have that stuff. What does your dad say? Is there someone else in your family you can talk to? If you are adopted and she is not telling you, it is probably because she does not think you are ready. And maybe she is right. Think about how you would react if you found out you were?  Anyway, does it really matter? She is your mom, she is the one that has raised you. She is the one that loves you like no one ever will. And that is what matters. Be thankful for that.

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