
Am i allowed to let him see the kids after he raped me?

by  |  earlier

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k this is gonna sound strange but i was with me ex for 6 years and 6 months ago he raped me hes always been violent towards me but never hurt the children! there his life and my eldest daughter ardors him! hes been asking to see them and for me to bring them to see him am i allowed to do that seen as theirs an investigation going on and a court date in november im not supposed to contact him but i really missed him so i called him and meet him a few times i really dont know what to do seen as now i dont want to stand up in court but dnt want him to get away with it either?




  1. Be strong. Do not let him see your kids right now. That will look bad on your part. You don't want those kids taken away do you? I have been through CPS for my son's fathers stupidity you don't want to risk it. He isn't worth it. Please for your kids wait this one out. I know telling him no will be hard but its best.

  2. Don't let him. He might try to rape the kids! Be strong. Good luck!

  3. idk i wish i could help... 2 Points for me!!!

  4. if you dont want him to see your kids file a cusdoty case and make points like he raped you and that he is very violent and so he may harm the kids...

  5. You pretty much screwed yourself.  I was in a similar situtation but the difference is I may have missed him but I NEVER put my child in jeopardy like you are planning on doing.  You say he never hurt the kids but he has.  If he is violent with you and they see it they are getting hurt too. It's too bad you don't understand that.  Also, is the investigation about you or the kids?  You better be careful because if the county finds out that you are allowing a known rapist/abuser having contact with you and the kids you could lose them.  Is he worth that?

  6. Ok I really dont understand! If you was raped by him then that is a forsure sign that you dont need to be with him. You are crazy if you let him get by with that and what if he turned on your daughter. How in the world could you love someone that did that to you......

  7. no dont let him see them i heard the exact same thing on like 48 hours mysteryes and he killed the kchildren so DONT let him see them.

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