
Am i allowed to take my 2 kids out of school for 2 weeks?

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I've got a chance to flat sit for someone in London for 2 weeks in september and would really love to take my 2 kids as they have neva been b4, I dont know where I stand officially about taking them out of school.Can anyone advise me please




  1. It's awfully early to take your kids out of school. Call the school and see what they recommend. I'm sure they will have homework and other projects to do while they are away. Maybe the teacher can give you lesson plans for the time they are out.

  2. I've taken my kids out of school for a week before so I'm sure two weeks would be ok. You would have to call the school and get all of their work for the time they'll miss.  

  3. How old are they?, What kind of students are they?, Are they good at working on their own? are questions to consider. ultimately they are your children and the choice should be yours. Tell the school in advance and make arrangements to get the work before hand and it should be fine, or what you can get in advance I know most of my teachers prepare at least 2 weeks in advance. People go on vacations all the time and have it excused, some high schools have attendance policies but that is really the only place it seems to matter and you can always appeal it.

  4. You're allowed but be prepared for the teacher to hate you.

    Don't ask them to provide two weeks of homework and classwork at the start of the year--just accept that your kids will miss out on two weeks of vital stuff and that it's your problem and not the teacher's to get them caught up.

    As a teacher, I really hate parents who think that it's my problem their kid is behind when THEY chose to pull the kid from school during a non-vacation period.  Take responsibility for the choice you make and it will be fine.

    Personally I'd do it in your case, but I would also talk to the teacher about how to catch them up when we get back.

  5. Oh yeah, that's not a problem at all!  They will learn more in another country experiencing life than they will sitting at a desk anyhow.  Make sure you make it a learning experience for them, take them to historical places and such.  Ask their teachers to give you their lessons / homework ahead of time and they can work on them while they are there anyhow.

    HAVE FUN!!

  6. i think that would be great for them!

    I think that if you go to the school and talk to the principal,

    tell her how it would be a great learning experience for them.

    this is a great opertunity for them,

    if it was me i would just get there school work before we left and hellp them do it while we were gone!  

  7. You have to see what their absent policy is and if they can get their work in advance. I wouldn't be able to take my oldest three kids because if they miss more than 8 days of school, they automatically fail the quarter, so you have to make sure that doesn't happen.  

  8. You might have to do a home study type of situation in which you collect all of their assignments ahead of time and have them complete while they're gone. Please make sure your children are caught up on all homework as going to London is great, but they will have to come back and be on track in school.  

  9. i think that you can for personal long as you get

    the assignments it should be ok.

  10. You could go to the school and talk to someone about it.. Maybe if you get their school work for those two weeks. However, what if they get sick later in the year or need hospitalization due to a surgery.. They will have already missed 10 school days and most kids don't even miss that in a year.. I wouldn't take my kids out for that long.

  11. You need to get to their schools and meet with the princeapal. Tell them you need to be in London for 2 weeks and must bring the children with. You may have to bring all their school work and do some homeschooling with them while you are there.

    But you need to meet with the schools as soon as possible to make the arrangements.

    If your kids are in 6th grade or above I wouldn't do it. They miss way too much.

  12. Its sounds like a great opportunity for you and your children! You are allowed to pull them out for two weeks, just notify the school and request that the teachers give you an idea of their lesson plans & all the kids work so that they can keep up while on vacation.

  13. your aloud to take your kids out of school but theyll have to do there still ganna have to do there work i think!


  14. For you to take your children out for that long, it would have to be a very good reason. And you would have to okay it with the school first. Here, parents can get in trouble for letting their children stay out of school for so many days without notifying the school.

    The only time I stayed out for awhile was when my uncle was rushed to the hospital. and dying. We had to up in the middle of the night and go take care of my grandmother because she was stuck in the bed. We called the school and they were okay with it. I stayed out for about a week and a half.

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