
Am i an OK weight and size for my age??

by  |  earlier

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im 5'4.5"

weight: 114lbs (or 52kg)

32B - 25 - 35

im not too underweight am i? my bmi is about 19.4 and i am quite athletic and of a naturally slim build/ fast metabolism etc. are my measurements as well as my weight acceptable? and if u say i need to gain weight...dont worry, im already on it! iv gained about 4kg in the past month :)





  1. nope.. seeing as i am 5"8.5 and the same weight.. so you are fine

  2. you perfectly fine!

  3. well uh , can't really answer your question without your age ..

    but , you're an okay weight for anyone 12-30 pretty much .

  4. thats good

    under 110 is unhealthy

    and over 150 is bad

    im 5'6" and 125

  5. You would appear quite slim for your height, but your BMI seems ok.

    For your age, I'd say You are perfectly normal. Wait till you turn 30 !!

    I was less than 45Kgs at your age, but only 5ft.1 . I am not so slim these days . Still slim and fit but not "skinny"

    You are still developing. You ain't finished growing yet, not by a long way.

    CHILL. You are perfectly fine.

  6. yeah ur good for ur age

  7. Healthy

  8. hahahaha, you are exactly my size. your fine. I dont see myself as fat, so yur not fat

  9. Yes i think you are okay. Iam around those measuerments too and iam 18, but iam shorter.

    You probably just have a high metabolism. I would say the only time you have to worry if you're too skinny is when people are saying they see your bones sticking out. But that's something you will notice.

    Everyones built differently and you cant go by the chart because they don't have it made for all sizes.  

  10. Well your weight and height are okay. But you didn't say your age. So how old are you? I need to know that before I can give you a real answer to your question. :)

  11. HOW the h**l do you gain weight ive tried so many things whats your secret that involves you not clogging up your arteries withh junk food

  12. i guess your fine. i would have to see you to really judge..

  13. um yea-i think

  14. That's fine. Your not over or underweight. It's a healthy weight to be at.

    And I'm a doctor :)

    Take Care.

  15. i think ur fine.  im 14 and im about the same weight but im 5'8".  im a little underweight but im fine.

  16. You sound absolutely fine, don't worry about the weight gain but if itrcontinues then just do a bit of exercise, no reason to diet whatsoever.

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