
Am i anorexic????????????

by  |  earlier

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or bolemic or whatever eating disorder makes you not gain weight alot.

im 14 and i weigh 105 pounds im a boy. everyone at school says im anorexic even though i eat alot.

am i?




  1. Anorexia means you starve yourself.

    Bulimic means you vomit when you eat.

    You have HIGH METABOLISM.  

  2. you can only be anorexic if you dont eat

  3. anorexia is when you eat very little and starve yourself. bulimia is when you eat, but immediately make yourself throw up. if you don't do either of these things, you dont have anorexia or bulimia. you can see your doctor and tell him/her about your concerns. s/he can tell you the average weight for your age and height. it might just be that you have a high metabolism. for years i ate alot everyday, but never gained any weight.

  4. do you eat?

    if you don't, then yes.

  5. you're not anorexic, you just have a fast metabolism

  6. if you eat then you are not anerexic and you would only be bloemic if you throw up after you eat. do you?

    if you eat normal then no you are not. it is just genetics.

    plz answer

  7. Hey! You're calling yourself anorexic? Well, what will you call me? I will be 14 in October and I'm only 88 pounds. I eat a lot when I'm hungry but don't eat that much when I'm not.  

  8. You probably just have a fast metabolism, you would know if you had an eating disorder, dont let them get to you

  9. being annorexic doesnt mean u r thin it means u dont eat a lot. the people that say annorexic just mean cos u r thin they assume you r. annorexic doesnt mean  eat a lot it means u dont eat a lot duh ! ur naturally skinny that doesnt mean u r annorexic.  

  10. if you eat your not !

    start working out.

    drinking tons of milk .

    your in puberity just wait a liitle .

    time will do magic.

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