
Am i authorised to get passport being a citizen of India?

by Guest67152  |  earlier

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I am serving in Indian Army as a soldier. so, am i authorised to get passport? I am very keen to get that. some of my collegues told that I am unable to get that because i am a serving person




  1. all citizens have the right to have a passport , unless you have had some big problems with the law ? of course you may have one :-)

    here is what you will need in order to get a passport :

    Are you applying for the first time?

    You can obtain an application form from the Passport Office (free of cost) or the Head Post Office (Rs. 3) or submit a photocopy of the form. After filling all columns carefully and legibly  the application may be submitted to the Passport Office concerned (where you are resident when applying) either in person or through a representative or by registered post.

    Proof of residence is essential i.e., a self-attested photo copy of the ration card or voters' identity card or water tax bill or telephone bill or electricity bill or running bank account or income tax assessment order of last three years or appointment letter of reputed companies on letterhead (any one of them will do).

    Proof of date of birth and educational qualifications is also essential  i.e., a self-attested photo copy of birth certificate or school certificate or in case of illiterate/ semi-literate persons a sworn affidavit to be attested by a magistrate, as per specimen given in the form.

    Furnish 6 photographs (black & white or colour) :

    Size 35 mm x 45 mm;

    Frontal view of full face against a light background; photos taken with coloured or dark glasses and in uniform are not acceptable;

    4 photographs pasted on the form and signed across partly on the photo and partly on the form and 2 photographs (unsigned and name written on the back) to be put in an envelope and stapled to the form.

    Attach NOC  in original if you are in the service of Central/State Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies and the like.

    here is the page if you would like to read it :


  2. yes you can get the passport

  3. Yes. As a citizen of india you are entitled to get a pass port.

  4. all have to serve their country, ofcourse so you can get the passport

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