
Am i being a bad girlfriend with this?

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i have been in a realationship for almost a year now been happily engaged for eight wondeful months and then and old freind of mine cody comes ina he likes me and like i love jeffery i love him withh all my heart but should i feel bad for tlaking to him knowing he wants to date me yes he did ask and i told him no absolutly not that i loved jefferya nd would never ever do that to him i know jeffery si my soulmat and this guys is nice he sent me that sound lips of an angel by hinder but when it comes from cody it doent feel like it woul if it came from jeffery i still havent told jeffery that i even spoke to him but he has seen picture somments on myspace from him and stuff like that so what should i do should i just not tlak to cody or should i still talkt o him like a friend and tell jeffery or keep it secret and by the way if jeffery wasnt the jealous type in which i do love it when he gets over protective i would tell him thats i am tlaking to him...




  1. Secrets are a bad idea.  They undermine a relationship.  

    Seeing an old friend that has feelings for you can get messy.  Especially if you're seeing him when your fiance is not around.  If you choose to continue seeing the old friend be very careful, you're playing with fire.  

  2. Just tell him marriage is about honesty and if you can't be honest now, how is you marriage gonna work. Just be honest and tell him rather them him finding out another way or later.

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