
Am i being bullied? ?

by  |  earlier

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okay well this girl, we were best of friends for like a year but she is very judgemental, and now i can't stand to be around her, she's been suspended, from sending two boys to my house and putting a condom on my locker, and she said she would never do this again. She even is trying to get all my friends against me. I can't stand to be around her, and she's trying to make me jelous because she thinks i like some guy when i don't. It's making me miserable. and i know thats what she want's what should i do?




  1. man she sounds like a total pregant dog (think about it) she probably got family issues. here replace her lotion with nair and dont get caught.

  2. That's no friend, and yes you are being bullied, not as harsh as you could be but it is bullying, and you think she was a friend? Don't do anything, just ignore her soner or later she will give up trying when she gets no reaction which she obviously wants from you, another thing any friend of yours that she manages to get to go against you is not your friend in the first place, don't let her make you miserable just let it slide of you like a duck lets the water slide of it and don't show her that it is making you miserable by reacting, she wants you to react and if you keep not reacting she won't get her desired efect and eventually she will stop. Just keep away from her do not have anything to do with her or anybody who does what she wants. concentrate on your school work instead and on other friends.

  3. Well you're being bullied, and I would suggest not talking facing, looking, or bother with her, until she forgets or just somehow doesn't bully you. If that doesnt work, tell on your teachers, if they can help, like changing seats, lockers etc. If that doesn't help, have your friends if ever to help you against her if she ever strikes. I hope this works, and good luck. I had the same problem, but for two straight years.

  4. She sounds like she has some serious issues with herself and shes only picking on you to make herself feel better. I know people like that. Just don't let her see that she's getting to you! Act like it's no big deal and you don't care. She's also probably just doing it for attention so just ignore her. If she keeps bugging you then tell your parents!  

  5. man, what a jurk.

    tell her to back off.

    i want you out of my life.

    stand up for yourself.

    it feels awesome!

  6. Ignore her unless she is persistent, then let her know that you are not happy with what she is doing.

    Focus more on your friends and building a bigger network of people whom you socialise with so that you are not isolated.  When she says something against you to your friends, let them know whether it is fact or fiction and why.

    If you dont like the guy that she is telling everyone that you do, let your friends know this to so that they are aware of the truth.

    Stand up for yourself and it will be alright.

  7. This happens alot to teenagers. im in year 11 now and i went threw it a couple of years ago. It really sucks but it does get better. One thing you have to remember is not to show any signs of irritation or signs that she is getting to you and making you feel like ****. because that is exactly what she is trying to do, her ambition is to make you feel like **** because she is a **** person herself, but one day she will get whats coming to her. It all catches up to us in time. so dont let her win. Dont give her the satisfaction of knowing how you feel.

    Every day won't be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home.

    This is only a test that life is throwing at you, and there will be many more to come. You be the 'better man'.

    Robert Lewis Stevenson wrote: You cannot run away from a weakness; you must sometimes fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?

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