
Am i being haunted?

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Since i moved into the house i live in 5 years ago strange things have been happening. All bfs i've had sleeping in my room have said they have felt really afraid and like someone was watching them after i had fallen asleep. i did move out for a while and when i came back really odd things began to happen. as soon as i turned off the light towels would fall off my radiator. or id be awoken by noises and other things and sometimes i just feel like someone is watching me. can i communicate with this spirit. or get rid of it?




  1. I doubt it has bad intentions.  Maybe it just needs help moving on, like it doesn't realize what has happened to it.  You could try talking to it, reminding it that it can move on and let go of the past.  It may be afraid of the light.  It might want something, but it doesn't sound like it.  Probably just confused about it's state of being in between worlds, so to speak.

  2. It doesn't sound to me like whomever or whatever is there means you any harm.  I know it sounds a bit crazy, and you are going to feel like an absolute idiot when you first try this, but what we do here is we talk to our ghosts.  Like, if something gets thrown we say something like "we acknowledge that you are here, but we would appreciate it if you wouldn't do things like that".  Or we ask them to please be quiet so we can sleep.  We have a little girl ghost upstairs who can make an awful racket at times.  I am fortunate that I was able to figure out her name, so we call out to Louise to please stop it.  If seems to work.  Shortly after we moved in here and started having sightings and such I would say to them that I acknowledged them, and asked them to respect our presence, and we would do the same for them.  So far, nothing negative has happened, and I actually enjoy knowing they are here with us.  As far as I am concerned they have just as much right to be in this place as me, and they have been here much much longer, so I would never try to get rid of them.

  3. Hi, Sounds to me you have guests. You can get rid of them,or so I've heard, but nothing has worked for me.My Sister Smudged the house and that didn't do any good.I really don't know what to tell you. You could bring a priest in, but that's some thing I would never do , as I don't believe in the company they work for,nor do I believe in their Boss.  I don't want to tell you to have a seance,or to play with the Ouija Board because I would fear it would open a door ,and more spirits will come into your home.I think I would light some white candles,late at night, and tell them you know  there. Than tell them to quit doing whatever it is there doing.That's What I did.When they get board,they'll pack up their sheets,and go.I Hope that will help you.I know acknowledging them does help ,some.Bye.Oh,That didn't work for me, everyone's still here!

  4. I think you should charge for tours.

  5. This is the reason why we need housecheck something like our car checks NOW. You could punch in the house vin # and find out the history, Or if there was any home repairs made to it . If it was a meth lab, How many owners, or renters it has had.Last time the roof had been replaced or repaired.

    And to find out if your house is just noisie. I had a house that screemed and moaned all the time but it was due to the weather.

  6. Ghosts are created by humans and are not real. Nor any similarites like spirits. Just cover yourself with bedsheets like in movies and youll be fine.

  7. Try and communicate with it.   I had a house like that and although it scared the h**l out of me, it was trying to tell me something.

  8. No.

  9. The house perhaps has spirits in it or you have a guardian angel watchin you like a hawk.

    If the ghosts dont scare you then they are of good spirits.

    Could just be God watching ya or an angel.

    Or someone could of died in the house and their spirit is unsettled and is roamin.

    Could be a number of things, use your instincts and common

    sense to figure it out.

  10. So this is not your house.. the way you describe it is that it is just a place where you have a bedroom.. you moved out for  while and then moved back.. you have had several boyfriends stay the night at a house that you know very little about.. it make this presumtion based on what you said and some things that you did NOT say.. such as how many rooms are  there.. what happens in other parts of the house and who actually owns it and do other people live there.. Now, if someone else owns it and others live there or at least have access to it.. then I will say that you probably have been video taped or at least had someone spying on you.. and purposely rattled your cage.. perhaps they enjoy watching you and your boy friends do your number.. it this sort of thing does not happen at other places then you are not being haunted.. hon.. you are being hunted.... take a look around the room.. I would not be supprised if you found a few strings and things that someone rigged up to make you think you are being haunted.. look for some peep holes.. you will probably find some of them also.. five will get you ten.. that if you are being watched.. it ain't no dead person doing it..

  11. It sounds like your home is indeed haunted. You can communicate with the entity as you would a normal living person. Be open and honest and tell him to not do those things any more. Tell him he should leave and be with his family.  In some cases, asking the spirit to leave works. In other cases, it might take a little more effort. If you have the ability to smudge your house with sweetgrass/sage, it's a good all- purpose clearing measure and might do the trick without  further spiritual intervention.

  12. Does your parents feel things or experience things. What is the history of the house? Does other people (visitors) feel the same way. How much of the history can you trace? Firstly you need to get some dried sage preferrable in a bunch and light it so it smokes up and think to yourself that you want peace in your room then chanting "i just want peace in my room" wave the smoking sage in all corners of the house, ensuring the smoke gets in all the corners and areas of the room.  The next step is stand in your room and in a loud voice state that you want the spirit to leave "Go in peace to the light". repeat this by even adding "This is my room" Then rearrange the room and open all the windows. You may need to do this a few times. Now talk with your folks about your feelings and any other members of the family. It would appear that you do have a spirit that may see your room as their room. So its about taking control and letting the spirit know its now your room. THere are lots of good books at the book shop in the new age section about dealing with this issue. My understanding having experienced these things myself is that when a person crosses over there may be a partof them that stays in a favourite room. I have experienced where I have walked into an empty room and it felt like I was intruding. You need to convey to the spirit its your room and thta they need to leave. As for the unsettling feelings you have and the fact you feel the hostility in the room when you have boyfriends over that may be the spirit disproving of what is happening in "their" room. Be strong you have more power than the spirit because you are alive and they need to go to the light.

    Below are some links that you may find useful.

  13. there is nothing like haunted house.

    its more of our thoghts and illusion then anything else.

    watever is happening may be natural but u tend to relate that with something else.

    just relax.

  14. Jinns live inside people homes.  If you want to know more about Jinns, I have done some research on this subject and you can read it on the bottom of my blog.

  15. interesting ............ sorry but cant give any advice on this !!!!!!!

  16. me thinks that you are insecure and feelings of fear is a way to show it. but you can over come this. From since you were born you must have hear many ghost stories and of bad or good spirits. If they do exist they cannot harm you, only in the movies its made to look that these beings can have the power to harm.

    One way to calm yor mind is to take at look behind the scenes of how any scary movie is made, look at the FX features the director uses to make it look scary and real. Reflect on this and get a laugh at how it made you got scared.

    Next time you get the feeling of been scared just laugh out loud and smile the fears away.

  17. I think there is a spirit with you, but if it has not harmed you or anyone else, then it is just a spirit that is there with you. Maybe even protecting you because your old bfs felt scared. I say, just talk to he/she like she/he was a normal, alive human being. Try not to provoke it, however...

  18. you just have to tell this spirit pass on leave me alone and go on with ur live.

  19. There are several such accounts of apparitions haunting the houses. I have no reason to disbelieve such stories.

  20. You may want to consider finding a local paranormal investigation team in your area if you feel you'd like to know more about what's going on or how to deal with it.

    For now, remember a few things. First, you are likely in no danger; there are very, very few cases where a human has ever been harmed by a supposed ghost/spirit/entity/etc. Second, if this is possibly a ghost, you can always try and communicate with it somewhat indirectly (non-psychically). Just stand in the room where you feel there is the most "activity" and tell the ghost "You are dead, you need to go home now. This is my home, not yours, and I'd like you to leave please. You need to go home to your family." If you have a particular religion, you can also consult officials or texts about what to do here.

    J. L. Oneske, Parapsychologist

    5th annual East Coast Ghost Conference

    May 26 & 27, 2007 in Rochester, NY

    www eastcoastghostconference com

  21. hmm im going to be a bit religious here.. I can state that ghost does exist and it isn't wise to communicate with the spirit since it might posses you. It could be a demon that is toying around with you to as well and I advice you to ask a pastor about it. It might help if you put crosses around that area because if it is a demon they can't stand the cross since Jesus' blood was spilled upon it.

  22. it sounds to me like you have a connection with the spirit world, put the talent to good use and see if you can communicate with the spectre

    does the ghost make trumpet noises??

  23. It would seem that your room, or even the house, has a spirit presence. This could be a spirit that is grounded (unable to move on) or, more likely, a previous resident of the building or any previous one on that site, who just comes visiting from time to time.

    If there is a spirit present the area around it will experience an unusual drop in temperature. There may then be odd noises or things may move of their own accord, there could be an unusual scent or smell associated with the spirit.  All of these things are quite common and should not cause you alarm.

    Should you wish to, you can communicate with the spirit by talking to it and relaxing in order to pick up on any answer. I would suggest that if you decide to take this route that you first ask your spirit guides for their help in protecting you. A simple request will be heard and acted on by them even if it does make you feel a bit daft at the time of asking.

    In order to find out more about what is safe and what to avoid you could contact your local spiritualist church and ask if they run any development circles.

    If, on the other hand, you wish to get rid of it you really will need professional help.  Exorcism and or cleansing is usually a quite easy procedure but should not be attempted by unskilled people as it is a time when the unwary can be possessed if there is any evil in the area.

  24. There are some houses that are haunted.  If you don't like it, or it scares you too much, you might consider selling the house.  Some people like haunted houses.  It sounds like you don't.
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