
Am i being led on? should i just push him away and move on?

by  |  earlier

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my friend likes me, but he has a really jealous girlfriend, who he says he doesn't like?

he has a girlfriend and they've been dating for a while.

he says he's liked me longer than he's liked her, but he's still with her?

everyday he tells me different things about how he feels about me, but he still has a d**n girlfriend who he trash talks.

i don't get it.

is he leading me on? what should i do?

she hates my guts and i don't even talk to him anymore (until just a few days ago). and now she says she 'doesn't care' if i talk to him or 'steal him away'. and he believes her, but i know it's all an act, because she's insanely jealous.

why does he say he likes me, but he's still with her?

he never has anything good to say about her, why does he hang around?

she is such a ***** to him and treats him like dirt.


ughhh. :(




  1. Girl I have just one word to say to you RUN like you've never run before. This guy is setting you up for a fall that will take you a week before you land and when you do it'll hurt. If he doesn't have the guts to dump his girl friend and can only trash talk her then he will do the same to you when he gets tired of you. I'm a guy and had a friend that was like this all he would do when all us guys would go out for a beer was trash is girl friend until we told him to shut up and either stop talking about her or break up with her he did neither and as far as I know their still together , trashing one another. Good luck  

  2. To be honest, i'm not sure if he's leading you on.

    I think he's definitely playing the both of you, probably telling her nasty stuff about you.

    I'll bet he doesn't know what he wants. If he wanted you and she was that bad he wouldn't be with her.

    If i was you, i'd forget it. It's hard but why would you want to be with somebody who backstabs girl's he goes out with? And as for the girl, i feel sorry for her. No wonder she's jealous - she's scared he'll leave her. She probably does care it's just the fact she doesn't want to look like a fool.

    Forget him, forget her and move on. I know it's easier said than done but you need to. It'd only mess you up to get in a relationship like that with him.

    Good luck x

  3. well guys are weird

    try telling him about what you just wrote

    answer mine please? ***10 points best answer!***;...

  4. she prolly is good in bed

    guys are like that, and if i were u i would wait for a while and see what happens or else his gf would start rumors or something.

    hes wrong to treat his gf like dat and to still date her, so be careful cuz he might do something like that to you.

    good luck.


  5. he's not exactly leading you on. if he was, or even if he really DID like you, then his feelings wouldn't "change" every day.

    what he's doing is saying stuff to make you like him, but he really probably doesn't like you very much. guys (and i'm sure girls too) really like it when they know that more than one person is crazy about them. if you had a bf, wouldn't you feel kinda cool if you knew another guy wanted you too?

    well thats just how he feels. your best bet is to just leave this shallow guy before anything more happens. why don't you try looking for some nice, SINGLE guys who don't just wanna use girls for their own self-worth.

  6. DO NOT believe anything he says.

    He just wants game cause if not hewould be with you.

    **** Him. Don't give him the chance to hurt you.

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