
Am i being selfish???

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend is going through a really tough time right now. his living arrangements suck and he has to constantly work everyday of the week.

he has a chance to go live with his dad a few states away and it would definately be easier on him

i want him to go...i want things to be easier, he deserves it....but then again...i would rather him stay. =(

and i know if i told him he would... but i dont want to be selfish by telling him to stay...i dont know what to do.




  1. You're just being human! Naturally, you want him to stick around and not leave you behind. I completely understand. Let him make the decision on his own because only he knows what's best for him. Just be loving and supportive and i'm sure everything will work out just fine.

    Good Luck!

  2. You love him you're not being selfish. You want him to be with you but than again if you love him why don't you just let him go  

  3. Let him go ... If you 2 are meant to be together , he'll come back to you .

      But if you hold him back now , you could destroy his life .. and he may resent it in the future .

  4. Your not being selfish and it is sad but if you really care for him, you have to let things get better for him. if you know that things wont if he stays then he must go. It probably sucks for you but thats how it has to be,

    (My girffriend is leaving to Santa barbara for the same reason and i could make her feel guilty bc i love her so much but things need to get better)

  5. I don't know how old you two are... This guy needs to get his life together.  Don't f*** with it.  Mind games suck!
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