
Am i being unfair? :(

by  |  earlier

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ive recently had an abortion cuz my ex convinced me it was the right thing 2 do. his phones been playing up 4 ages and he lives 5 hours away. he was suppoed 2 see me a few days ago but he's been unwell so he finaly came and saw me 2day. he's being really nice. but when im upset i cant contact him bcuz his phones not working and he hasnt given me a number 2 call... and hardly ever calls! and its so hard! im getting so mad! because he convinced me everything would be ok and he'd always be there but i am going through such a hard time and im not sure if i have a right 2 be mad or not?? do i??




  1. You have a right to be mad!

  2. Boys will be boys and this seems like a classic example. Don't worry so much about it. You will only make yourself miserable. It could be legitimate and his phone could just always act up. On the other hand, he could be feeding you lies. I hope everything works out for the best. What's meant to be will always find its way.  

  3. Well, if he convinced you to destroy the baby you and he created together I'm thinking he's not that in to you. Sounds like a use job.

    I can't imagine the person I love asking me to destroy our baby, or me actually destroying the child of the person I love. I don't care if we weren't "ready".  If you have s*x, you have to be ready.

    If I did go thru such a horrific procedure at their request I can't imagine why they wouldn't be with me every second.....unless they really didn't care about me. They would have to be just trying to get out of their responsibilities.

    You put yourself into this situation, and it is time to learn and move on and never let it happen again.

  4. Well, he could actually just be telling the truth about his phone not working (it does happen), but it's also seems like a very convenient excuse considering your situation. Yet, if he actually meant that he would make an effort to "always be there" he doesn't seem to be trying all that hard to do that, so you're perfectly right to be upset, and it makes sense that you would be. If he hasn't given you a number to call him then he probably doesn't want you to call him, he wants to call you--so he is in control of it all.

    Sense you don't have a child with this guy, you are probably better off forgetting about him because he's obviously no good for you and he's using you at his convenience. Find someone who will treat you better and with some respect, because this guy is just telling you what to do and he thinks that your going to go right along with it. Stand up for yourself, show him who is the boss, and if he can't treat you with the decency you deserve, then get him out of your life all-together.
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