
Am i bi? does she like me?

by  |  earlier

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i have a friend who is bi and we hang out alot. we cuddle alot. she kissed me and i loved it. but she said she was sorry and said she was out of line. i loved it when she kissed me. am i bi? does she like me?




  1. You could be...and yes of course she likes you a lot!

  2. did she say sorry cuz she felt that you didn't enjoy it or did she say sorry because she felt it was a mistake? Because when I kiss a girl and they don't ***** then I assume they like it and want me to keep going. if you liked it then you could have some sexual attraction to the same s*x. It could possibly mean that you are bi or a L*****n depending on your sexual preference. I think she does like you.

  3. Probably and probably! But lol! Right under the "g*y, Bi, L*****n and Transgender" thing to the right, it say's "People Disabilities" or something! lmao off my roflcopter!

  4. Yep,join the Fam!!! It all begins with a kiss...she probably said she was out of line because you may have tensed up with excitement and threw her off guard.

    Does she like you? Seems that way; Do you like her? h**l YEAH YOU DO...I CAN SEE YOU BLUSHING NOW JUST THINKING BOUT HER.  

  5. h**l yea. next time she comes on to you show that love it

  6. Sexuality is fluid, and you're young so you're still figuring it out.

    Not to sound like one of those stupid anti-label types, but don't put a label on it, yet. Yeah, you might be. You might be g*y or straight or any number of silly words like omni- or pan- sexual.

    And yeah, I'd say so. Or desperate.

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