
Am i breaking my...?

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vegetarianism if i work in burger king//mcdonalds//KFC?

i will be wearing gloves

help me please




  1. It wont make you any less a vegetarian, but i suppose it does bring up over ethical issues, depends how desperate you are for a job though if you are in need of a job what can you do. There are more issues about not contributing to society at all. So really its down to you what job you are doing, if you aren't eating it you are still vegetarian so stop worrying.


    There are plenty of jobs that don't include fast food jobs.

    When I first became a vegetarian I worked at McDonald's.  It was so disgusting.  Words can't describe what it was like washing the dishes, which you will have to do if you work there...everyone has to.  Gloves or not you will be up to your elbows in grease and grissly gunk...There are many unidentifiable little animal parts that float around in the sinks...things like bacon drippings and grissly little lumps.

    You won't be breaking your vegetarianism, but those aren't jobs for vegetarians.  It will be repulsive and you will regret getting a job at a place like that.

  3. ask yourself love, your not eating it so its not bad. x

  4. wow of all the places you could work why at a place that goes against every thing you support? you should go work at like petsmart or a health store instead thats what i would do even though i could never be put to the level of working in a nasty greasy fast food place eeeeewwwww

  5. Vegetarianism is a diet. If you don't eat non-vegetarian food you're a vegetarian. Working there may be a conflict of interest but it's not relevant to the definition of vegetarianism.

    I should know. I've never been a vegetarian.

  6. It is kind of hypocritical.

    Like people who do it for love of animals.

    Because than you're not even trying to stop it, you're basically and literlly saying "Here's a burger".

    I dont know.

    But it's all up to you.

    You're really not eating meat.

  7. yes

  8. Vegetarianism is a diet. If you don't eat non-vegetarian food you're a vegetarian. Working there may be a conflict of interest but it's not relevant to the definition of vegetarianism.

  9. Only if you eat meat. Wherever you work doesn't affect your vegetarianism. That's like saying, "If I go to a synagogue to visit my friend, does that automatically make me Jewish?" No. It depends on what you believe, not where you are.

    Now, if you give in and buy that juicy, hot, hamburger...

  10. Working a job has nothing to do with eating meat - unless you eat it.

    There is no giant list in the sky that one *must* follow or they are kicked out.

    Working is what normal people do.  If that is the job that you could get - then be thankful for the job.

  11. No, you need a job and its not as if you'll be chowing down on whoppers while you're there.

  12. That is completely up to you. I think, as a vegan, it would be completely hypocritical for me to get a job at KFC or Burger King or McDonalds. But again, it is completely up to you.

  13. you are the judge of that. do what you feel is right.

  14. Listen, you're not breaking your vegetarianism if you say you're not. What annoys me is how people view vegetarianism as a strict set of rules to abide by - it's not a RULE, it's a GUIDELINE. A lifestyle CHOICE, you CHOOSE how closely you want to stick to that guideline or not. Some vegetarians eat fish, some don't. h**l, my dad calls himself vegetarian simply because he generally doesn't eat meat, but will occasionally when he feels like it. Personally, I don't eat any meat or fish, but that's MY choice, MY way of doing things. I know vegetarians who wear leather jackets - call it hypocrisy, or call it someone who's simply choosing vegetarianism as a diet choice but not letting have too much hold over their WHOLE lifestyle. It's 100% up to you and there's no Bible of Vegetarianism stating that a vegetarian absolutely CANNOT work in one of these places. Enjoy =)

    Edit.. I have no idea why I got so many thumbs down.. as far as I'm aware I was being perfectly nice and making a valid point. =(

  15. you cant find a vegetarian restaurant?? if not its up to you,but its like saying its ok to kill animals for food as long as your not eating it and your getting payed =[

  16. not at all.

    vegetarianism is  concerned with consumption of meat/non veg food.

    In india most moms do not eat non veg food,yet cook for their family members who otherwise relish it.
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