
Am i carrying to much Mussel upper-body? increase running time?

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Hi i'm a 16 year old dude,i'm about 187cm/6foot something I've been running for about 2years or so now. I am very active i've done sports since the age of 6 but like most young kids i entered the "world of junk food" so i gained weight and have always had problems with my cardio workout.But now i have lost all of that weight (2year diet+ Gym,Basketball etc..) So i have always refrained my self form cardio...Since i've decided i want to join Spec-Ops (military) i have been following a strict workout plan...Sometimes i even feel like i can't breath and my lips start turning white when i do my cardio workout..well anyway my question to YOU is this a psychological thing? I mean i've been running for 2 years the same route which is a little more than a mile. I run that mile in about 8:30 min(when i started i ran at something like15min) now is it a psychological thing or is it that i've put some serious mass on my upper-body? (i do some real weight lifting) as a 16year old i lift about 125pounds (bench) 3 sets of 10 when i'm in the mood i do even a 140 3 sets of 5 i work with my abs and pecks abs=180 pounds 3 sets of 20 and pecks 135-150 3 sets of 20/12 but i'm barley able to to do 3 dead hangs. So i mean is this all a mental thing if so how can i block it out? if not how can i increase my running endurance sometimes i run a 1.5miles on a treadmill in 11Min's but after that i feel tired and i stop i feel like i can't breath... 1.1mile=8:30 1.5=10:30-11Min's thanks 10points best plan/answer ^_^




  1. Dude it's all mental.

    You're not that huge where it slows you down.  I'm 17, lift on and off about 140 like you, and I can run 5:20 miles, 18:some 5ks.

    Just practice running more, but do more than just one mile.  Think about it, if you train to run 3 miles pretty decently fast, then you ought to be able to kill those 1 miles right? Yeah.

    And good luck with the spec-ops.  That sounds awesome.

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