
Am i considered super short if I'm 4 foot 11 and a 13 year old guy ?

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Am i considered super short if I'm 4 foot 11 and a 13 year old guy ?




  1. A bit short, but you'll grow....believe time you 16 i bet you'll be at least 5'6 or taller.

  2. Maby now, but i tell you, this is when you start growing taller. Seriously. my friend was also 13 and really short now he's 14 and he's about 1/2 a foot taller than me and im 5'6. since you grow only for a little while, try doing as many stretching exercises as you can. it helps. like pull ups. good luck. and tell me how tall you are in about a ;)

  3. Not super short but short :)

  4. Well I'm 14 and I'm a foot taller than you, so yes you're shorter than average I would say.

  5. Nothing to worry about. I'm 58 in. which is 4 FT. 11in  the same ht. as you and I'm 32 years old. I use to think like you when I was a teenager till  one day I  decided not to worry about my ht. after all, I was the one with the most boyfriends in school. Don't worry you still have a long way to go. In the mean time you will start having  and seeing many changes with your body and of course that includes your ht. That's called "puberty"  

  6. Not really. I have a buddy who is like 4'8" and we are freshmen in high school.

  7. yes,...even anything 5'7 and below is considered short to me, but you will get taller...hopefully

  8. hahah no ull grow out of it ur still young now if you are still 4 11 at 16 you have a problem hah but dont worry bout it

  9. Yeah, a little bit on the short side, but maybe puberty is-calling-yo name!!!  

  10. You've probably only started to go through puberty.  You have a while before you'll know how tall you will get.  Males continue to grow until about age 25.  Your height depends on many things, particularly genetics. If both of your parents are pretty tall, then you will more than likely be tall.  Your parents' height is a good way to judge.  Don't worry, you still have lots of time to grow! :)

  11. Lol ur short. No offense.

  12. NO...not super short, just short...super short would be in the 3' range.

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