
Am i deaf, pleas help!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i took a shower the other day and i cleaned my ears with a q-tip, then after a few minuites i couldnt hear in my left ear!

my left ear has been like this for 3 days and im getting frustrated and upset trying to pop it. everytime someone would talk to me i had to stick a finger in my ear and i could hear but after it would go back..

now the worst thing is, is that everytime i touch my ear, move my jaw, or even chew my left ear hurts!

so can anyone please help me!! what should i do, i've cleaned my ears plenty of times and im sure this is not swimmers ear.. so pleas give me good advice?!!




  1. you probably hurt your ear or damaged it when you cleaned it with the q-tip. it might be infected. go to the doctors.

  2. you should probably see your doctor you might have done damage to you ear drum,

             good luck

  3. I cannot stress this enough... NEVER put anything into your ear canal. Q Tips are meant for cleaning the outer ear, not the inner.

    You need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Don't ignore what is going on.

  4. you damaged your ear drum....

  5. Go to the doctors, you probably have a ear infection even though you cleaned your ears out.

    i hope this helps! Go to the doctors quick before, you actually loose your hearing.

  6. Something like that happened to me once. Just wait one week and if it still goes on i would recommened going to the doctor.

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