
Am i depressed? My friends say I am? help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so ive kinda ben accidentally ok well not accidentally but not purposly s******g up my life and people really dont know i am but i am

(smoking and drugs and s*x etc) i never thought those things would effect my personallity but i guess they are and people are like pulling me aside asking me if i am okay and do i need prayer or what ever. i feel alot happier actually ,.. maybe its thedrugs? i dont know but i dont feel depressed but so many people are asking me if i am?

ok then

heres my other question

ok so my friend she knows i am doing all this but she doesnt seem to rreally care its the weird thing. ill be like smoking right infront of her and she wont care and then she just goes on and is like i hate school im like hello.. im hurting inside.. im not doing well

ok well that sounded stupid

i dont know ..

i just dont get why people think im depressed

i sound really immature dont i ?

ok sorry

ok well

btw im 16

i need really helpful advise

you can even IM me..





  1. Yeah, you feel happy from the drugs but you should open your eyes and look past the fake happiness they're making you feel. Your life is probably getting completely messed up because of the drugs and smoking you do. I don't want to sound like your mom or a health freak or anything but you gotta face the truth. Your friend probably seems not to care cause she doesn't know the harm its doing to you. Which is weird cause I could see how messed up you are just by reading that paragraph.

    Its probably gonna be really hard, but you have to look past the fake image these drugs are giving you and look at the damage its doing instead. If you get to see that, then ending it probably won't be a problem. If you look close enough then you'd see how much all this cr@p is breaking your life into pieces. See that and try pulling it back together. Get yourself a better friend who could help pull you through this.

  2. O-K ahh yes you do have a lot of things going on and are you to be involved in it or the bs that is surrounding itsielf as you ? you seem to be a teen in a spot and if you dont like it yes your young enough to have other friends that well friends r friends as far as do you need a prayier WHAT ? your not on your death bed and you have a great deal of coucoiousness that you did ask a QU that is cool ... dont try too hard to find crazyness  i was a teenager once and yea  it did get boring its in your head ,but it isnt find something to do that gets your constructive brian going yea ... you can always ask  it doesnt hurt too good luck go w/ your heart  cul ROC

  3. Well a cuz of mines she's 17 and does everything u do, she ended like that because of her parents. Her mother is always annoyin her and her father used to hit her but not anymore since she threaten him with callin the cops, so she really hates them they are the reason she ended this way. My aunt had to be hospilized 2 times because she leaves the apartment and comes the next day which she does to be with her boyfriend who lives far, my aunt is tired of worryin and doesn't want her in the apartment anymore.Since the parents called the cops a couple of times, cops themselves put her on treatment, for the moment she's seeing a psychologist who gave her pills for depression. So deep down something is botherin u to do these things like smokin, drugs and s*x. The thing is in the future ur goin to be worst if these things become addictions. U should call a hotline for anxiety and depression to see if they can help u find out whats botherin u since u dont know.

  4. well im sure ppl prolly know about wat ur doing more than u matter how hard u try 2 hide it, it always ends up coming out somehow.ik some1 thats in2 stuff like that, and ii what she was doing but she had no clue i if they know wat ur doing they prolly think its someway 2 relieve ur "pain and depression".....

    and it prolly is the drugs making u happy.drugs do that

  5. not drink or smoke..Please, life has a lot to offer you, do not waste it on those things. It's never too late to stop, it's never too late to quit. You're very young..

  6. im only thirteen

    but it really sounds like you want attention or wanna be loved by someone

    just go with the flow and be carefree

    my friend is exactly the same way and i have given up on her

  7. Well here's what I think, the smoking, drugs, s*x, it's all for attention. You're clearly hurting inside, you said it yourself, and no one noticed that at first so you turned to drugs thinking that your friend would finally see that something is clearly wrong. I'm not sure if you're depressed, I can't really tell seeing as I don't really know you. But something is bothering you and you want people to know that. Based on the information you provided that's what I think is going on. Get some help and turn your life around. You're too young to be throwing your life away.

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