
Am i depressed? im a 25 year old mother of 1..?

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all my friends go out 2 the pub, i have no one to have a good adult conversation with as all my friends work.. tonight i turned off all my lights, my tv my radio and i sat in my sitting room and had a good cry but i felt better after it.. do i need to see a doc or do i just need to get out more, thanks in advance x




  1. well u dont sound depressed the way i think of it. But if you feel bad enough to ask the question u should go and see a doctor. Is it possible you could have post-natal depression?? good luck =] x

  2. Tell your boyfriend that you need excitement, and that if you can't get that you're leaving.

    Have him take care of your child and go out with your friends once in a while, yeah?

    Or you can hire a baby sitter.

    You can even go do fun things with your kid.

    Either, consulting a therapist may be a good idea, especially with your boyfriend.

    Like a couples counselor.  

  3. I would try going out more first.. if that doesn't work yeah, maybe a doctor.

    Are you single? That could be a big factor.

  4. your feeling sad. mail me back so we can talk. no im not some creap just someone who cares adn wants to help out. i kno what your goingthrough. depressions a b---h

  5. What you are going through is natural and normal.  You want some adult companionship which you are currently not getting and most of the people you are meeting either have small kids of their own or are kids.

    See if you can arrange for a babysitter for at least one day of the week where you can go out with friends and have a coffee or go to the movies, to a nightclub or otherwise do something with people of your own age group who are not talking about children.  

    See if you can find a part time job where you are earning a little extra cash and getting away from being stuck at home the whole time.

    This is what other people do when they are in the same situation.

  6. That's sad. I am sorry to hear you are down. Crying is a release and it creates natural pain killers in your brain. Hopefully you will not have to do much more of it though. I have no children but friends of mine who have often said they miss adult conversations having spent all day with their family. There must be a lot of other young mothers in a similar position. I guess the hard thing is getting in touch with them. Try getting out more & see if you can spice things up with your boyfriend. He might be unhappy too. You are too young to live a boring life. I hope things pick up for you soon & mail me if you are really bored!

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