
Am i depressed or am i doing this for attenetion?

by  |  earlier

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i used to cut myself burn myself beat myself till bruises apear i hate the way i look and i hate my personality sometimes i think im depressed i feel at times that i dont want anyfriends and i deleat them i have detatched syndrom my moms bi polar/real mean and always gone i always try and change my personality and look but i act like i dont give a **** what ppl think im mean and nice i dont know who i am...can you tell me? am i wanting attention...whats wrong with me?




  1. I have to agree.........its depression. I know how you feel though, you really should go see a doctor about it. It can only help. I went to one when I was a teenager (which was only a couple of years ago) and got on medicine and went to psychotherapy. I stopped after a while and it just got worse. Its a chemical embalance in your brain that makes you feel this way. The medicine really does help. Also dont be so hard on yourself and stop thinking bad about yourself.

    Its all in your head! All the pain and confusion you are feeling is comming from you. You need to wake up every morning and tell yourself all the things you are thankful for. NO BAD THOUGHTS!!! It sounds crazy but it helps, look at the beauty in the world around you and your life will become beautiful too.

  2. it sounds like depression. i used to be the same way, I was diagnosed with depression. Im better now though. so good luck!

  3. you may have depression sweetie...

    please call the suicide hotline 1-800-suicide or kids help phone which you are going to have to look up.

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