
Am i eating enough calories?

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I'm 14 and 5 foot 6 and 119 pounds

I think i eat about 1500 or less calories a day but i think i'm supposed to eat about 2200

Should i eat more calories to keep my metabolism high?

Is this enough? i also exercise regularly ( about 25 mins on the treadmill 4 times a week plus weights about 3 times a week)




  1. Your pretty skinny but everyone is different try eating closer to 2000 calories a day since you do work out even though it is less than 30 minutes.

  2. Well I'm 5 foot 3 and 84 pounds, and yes I am very skinny, but I am perfectly healthy. I eat about 2500 calories a day.

    Just keep eating the right amount for you. Your body knows whats right. As long as you are not losing weight, you're grand.


  3. just keep doing wut u r doing.

    i am the same height and weight and i probably eat that many calories a day, and i havent gotten fatter. i got a little skinnier.  

  4. You are very thin for your height

    I think 2000-2200 calories would be great

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