
Am i eligible for medicaid?

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i live in florida, am 20 years old, dont have a job, go to school full time, trying to go to a dermatologist and prices are insane without insurance; help plz ooxooxoxo




  1. I think you are as long as you are under 21, once you turn 21 you won't be anymore. Some colleges offer lower cost insurance, you should check with your school, they may have more knowledge of the resources in your area.

  2. Probably.

    Go and apply anyways.  Maybe their is a state program that can help you.

    Also, find out if your school offers health insurance.

    Find a dermatologist who will give you a discount.  Everything is negotiable.

    Good luck.

  3. If you are attending college- see if your college has a health services department. They usually offer medical services for students - free of charge.

  4. You are not eligible, based on the facts provided.

  5. It is highly unlikely that you would meet the disabilty and income and assets level required for medicaid (since you are probably supported by your parents, their income and assets would be counted). Medicaid does not cover all medical conditions, and it is unlikly that what you are seeking treatment for would be covered even if you could find a dermatologist that would accept medicaid.

    Contact your school or local county medical clinics to see what is available. Do your parents have a group employer based insurance that you could be added to?

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