
Am i eligible to adopt a child? wat regulations do i need?

by  |  earlier

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i am 20 years old im a single L*****n i have a steady job and was wondering if im eligible to adopt within the next 3 years?




  1. It depends on the adoption criteria of the state and or/ agency you go through. If you are finical stable (not talking about being extremly rich) in 3 years, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to find some agency to adopt from. Many single people adopt, many g**s and lesbians adopt. You could start doing some light research now and then more once you get closer to starting your adoption process.

  2. I am 22 have a husband and have two children live in a lovely;y home and am a stay at home mom and I am not eligible. maybe you could be a foster mom?

  3. I am financially independent, own my home outright, and I am not eligible.  Go figure.

  4. First off you need to be 25 to even be thought of for a Adoption.

  5. Have you thought of providing foster care for a child?  Allot of the time, these children then become available for adoption.... it's a good choice.  And you will make a child's world a much better place!  :)  

    You can call the local Child Services office in your state to find out the requirements and how to start!

  6. every state or agency has different rules. some say 18, others 21, some same married, some it doesn't matter, some are particular on sexual orientation, some aren't. Good luck, if you are truly serious then go for it.

  7. Most agencies have age restrictions. Keep working and saving, and at some point you'll be old enough.

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