
Am i eligible to attend the top uc schools such as berkeley, la, and sandiego?

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im going to be a senior this school year

i have an average GPA of about 3.8-3.9

i got a 1700 on sats (planning on retaking it to get over 1800)

i got a 780 on the korean subject test

ive been in CSF for 3 years, gonna be in it senior year (program for students with eligible grades)

ive been in interact community service club for 3 years, gonna be in it senior year (plus i held an officer position)

im in a filipino club for three years (secretary for 2 years, VicePres senior year)

i was in asb for a year

i was in link crew for junior,senior year (program to help freshman studets)

im going to be taking a leadership program senior year

i was in honor guard junior year

i am eligible for elc

ive served over 100 hours of community service at church

im currently working on communityservice as a volunteer at a hospital

i was nominated/attended the national youth leadership forum on medicine at ucla for about 2 weeks (medicastudies program)

ive played tennis for 3 years

ive played piano for almost 8 years

ive played violin for a year

i took 2 ap's sophomore year and 1honors

i took 2 ap's junior year and 2 honors

senior year im planning to take 3 aps

most of the clubs/activities listed i will be joining again senior year


for my personal statement

do u have any suggestions for my topic

i dont wanna sound cliche with the same old story that every other senior kid is going to write about




  1. At UCB and UCLA, average GPA of those admitted is 4.2, average SAT is 2050. AT UCSD, average GPA is 4.0 and average SAT 1950. 1 note, take a SATII that is not in your native language, that pisses colleges off.

  2. Wow! Sounds very impressive. Make sure you can clearly and precisely (don't add too much b/c they don't have that kinda time) communicate all your accomplishments into your application/resume. Now if they need recommendations, choose wisely, b/c I think those are important too.

    Your personal statement should communicate to them who you are, why you are so interested in attending their school, and what you will do with that degree once you have it. (past, present, future) I guess. Tell them what you enjoy, keep it positive. Definitely have  5-10 people look it over before you submit it. Good luck. Your definitely a great candidate for the UC system.

  3. Hi,

    I was a senior in high school last year, and applied to UC Berkeley, San Diego, and Santa Barbara...along with Cornell and North Western...hehe.

    I had basically the same accomplishments as you do...though not as much extra curricular.

    CSF 100% member(highest)

    Honors Scholar

    4.3 GPA

    President Speech and Debate...attended State tournament twice (and won many other awards)

    President and Founder of the Astronomy Club

    Rock Climber 3 years

    Guitar 2 years

    Took 1 ap sophomore year

    1 ap and 1 honors junior year

    5 aps and 1 honor senior year (A's in all)...that was WAY to many

    passed all but one ap test (5s and 4s on the rest)

    and took many courses at the local community college during sophomore and junior year.

    Journalism 2 years

    HOWEVER... I had only a 1850 on my SAT

    I only got into Santa Barbara, Irvine, and Santa Cruz because of that d**n test

    Colleges say that the tests do not mean as much as you think, bu I get to differ. At least 10 people I know got into either San Diego and/or Berkeley, who did not have nearly the same ec accomplishments as me (some weren’t even in any clubs) but had 1950 SAT.

    I wrote stellar essays, and even that did not make up for it.

    Its BS I know, but if I were you (or had the opportunity again), I would retake the SAT, and even take one of those stupid courses that helps you do well.

    With a 1900+ SAT score I feel certain you will get into SD, and with a 2000+ into Berkeley.

    Good Luck!

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