
Am i emo or goth or confused?

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i wear black but not all the time im in to tight pants. sometimes i hate everyone but i sometimes hate my self. i listen to hardcore and soft rock. so is there something new we can name? lol




  1. You obviously are just trying to find  yourself

    and you dont need to fir into a label

    just be yourself

  2. What's wrong with Ashlee O? Why do you need to be something else? You hating yourself is a bigger problem than what meaningless label you may or may not fit in.

  3. You most definitely are NOT goth. You may be "emo." More than anything, like the first poster said, you are a young girl trying to find herself.

    We all go thru the stage of hating life, everyone, ourselves. You, as a young person, are chemically imbalanced. lol, yes its true, you will see wat I'm talking abt when you become older. You can't help the way you feel, it's just something we all go thru. Just remember to stay true to you, and don't worry abt silly labels.


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