
Am i fat? Please be honest, im 13.?

by  |  earlier

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Im 5"6 and i weight 139 - 142 pounds.

I go to the gym 3 or 5 times a week and run a mile on the treadmill, and on most days i walk my dogs around the block once or twice.

I also go to a marital arts class every Wednesday evening that is 150 minutes long.

Am i fat?

How much would the average girl my height and age weigh?




  1. Nope. Im 5ft1 140 and have a 26 inch waist.

  2. No.

  3. According to your Body Mass Index you are perfectly a healthy weight and you probably have great muscle tone too with all that exercise.  The average girl that is 5"6 is between 130-150 lbs.  Don't worry, you are perfectly normal :)

  4. sure doesn't sound like to much overweight!

  5. It would seem to me that some of your weight is due to muscle. I think you sound fine.

  6. There is a Calorie calculate programe

    Healthy Weight Range Calculator

    More infomation the link:

    When you have this question, please calculate in this site!

  7. I wouldn't say fat, just a little bit over weight. You could stand to lose about 10-15 pounds. Don't do anything drastic, just try to eat healthier and have smaller portions of food.

  8. No way girl! Be happy with who you are and own that gorgeous body  God gave you!!! You exercize plenty and are only 13!!!! Be confident and love the only body you get!!! don't worry about your weight, I am 16 and suffered from anorexia so believe me when I tell you to love and take care of your body!!!

  9. 13 and 5'6? wow ur tall at ur age. um i think most of ur weight is from ur muscles. and a average girl ur age should be around 120-140. at ur height should be ~140. so ur fine.

  10. hey im 5"7 and fifteen and i weigh about 145. i go running 2-4 miles a day plus i do about 500 crunches with a five pound dumbell on my stomach, i also do about 100 pushups, and other resistance excersises, i also go biking every weekend along with my running. i also play basketball and football, and i bellydance/hip hop dance everyday. dont worry i used to think i was fat bcuz of my weight but its all muscle. muscle weighs more than fat plus your pretty tall. you sound healthy. dont start thinking ur fat bcuz i did at one point and really drove myself crazy with it.

  11. According to the CDC(Centers for Disease Control), the BMI(Body Mass Index) for a 13 year old girl is 22.6.  This puts you in the 82nd percentile.  5th - 85th percentile is considered healthy.  I suggest you keep doing what you are doing now (same diet and exercise).  If you still feel "fat" then talk to your doctor or nurse.  Keep in mind that it is "normal" for a girl your age to have some issues with body image.  You are going through a lot of changes, and many other kids can be very critical.  Also, the media does not do a good job of portraying healthy body image (many skinny celebrities, etc.).  However, if you are really fixated on this, there may be a psychological issue.  Again, talk to your Dr.  I hope this helps.

  12. yeah ur fat

  13. like 10lbs overweight, not much

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