
Am i fat??/??? ? answer please?

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so im currvy like i have kinda big b***s 34 b and im 5'7 and i weight 130 lbs and im 14

like i mean im really tall but the only really problem i have is my inner thighs

i hate them

my stomach is super toned but my thighs arent

am i fat?? and can u give me any ideas to tone them??




  1. Will I'm 15 135 and 5'0 and I look like this:

    If your fat I'm fat your not fat your tall one and two you weigh less then me so your not fat.  

  2. lol i cant say im 13 i have a 34 b :o and and i weight the same ! it kinda weird  

  3. Lol you sound really attractive, but you're fine. Being tall and 130 is not a lot at all, just remember to excersise often and you'll be fine.  

  4. OMG you have a toned waist yet you're only 130?  God gain like 5 pounds or something, you probably have sticks for arms.

  5. you're not fat at all!

    you're 2 inches taller than me, and you don't weight much more

    than me, and people think im anerexic.

    im totally not, just thin.

    but really don't worry about it.

    you're the same age as me, we're not done growing.

    right now you don't need to freak.

    if you want to tone your legs try runing a half mile every other day.

    that will give you cardio and tone your legs.

  6. omg no!! .. you sound like the purfect size to me:)

  7. wow it looks like im reading a desciption of me im 5'71/2 a little taller i weigh 130 and im almost 4 i hate my thighs i know what your thinking scary but your not fat the average wieght for 5'7 is 110-145 so yur average wich is skinny your good  

  8. youre not fat at all!  

  9. Err I don't think you are? Obviously to tone them is by exercising. Try lunges.

  10. Im the same as you, well im 15 but everything else is the same and i dont consider myself fat. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 20.4

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    So you are Normal, it also depends on if you are muscular, becuase muscles weigh more than fat

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