
Am i fat for my size and height?

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i weigh 135lbs i'm 7th grader i'm 5'10'' i'm 13 yrs old i bench 120lbs




  1. First, the proper term to use, is "overweight" or "underweight."

    And you failed to specify if you are male or female.  (Hey, females can bench 120lbs too!  I had a very bulk and muscular female friend in middle school.  Her muscular build was crazy!)

    You should always ask this question to your doctor.

    BUT, there is also a pediatric ideal weight calculator at, which I went ahead and entered the info you gave above (I specified the gender as female since it's not typical for a guy to be so concerned about whether or not he is "fat.")  Forgive me, if the gender I entered is incorrect - you can easily redo the calculator at the website.

    Here is a portion of the result:

    "A 13 year old (female) child who is 135 pounds and is 5 feet and 10 inches tall has a body mass index of 19.4, which is at the 59th percentile, and would indicate that your child is at a healthy weight."  

    The entire result is here:

  2. Your ideal weight would be 170 lbs so above 190 lbs could be regarded as overweight and below 150 lbs could be regarded as underweight.  Technically you are probably about 15 lbs underweight.

    As you get older you will thicken out automatically.  Some gym instructors actually tell people not to take too much notice of these height weight tables.

    Under eating can stunt your growth but as your height is well above average you are obviously not under eating.

  3. You're just fine :) Just keep exercising. 120lbs. is good for a 13 year old!

  4. ur fine dnt worry


  5. not at all.

    for your height and age, 135 lbs is perfectly healthy :)

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