
Am i fat if so how can i lose wieght?

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well weigh 141 pounds and am 5'4 i am on the thick side and will be 13 in about two months am i big for my age???




  1. You're still within the ideal weight range for your height.  If you feel a little "thick" then maybe take off 10 pounds at the most.  The website below has a section called "Weight Loss 4 Teens" that can help you out.  You'll also find lots of great weight loss tips on the site.  Good luck!!

  2. you know, you're still growing. so maybe you'll get taller. I wouldn't diet yet. I'd see how my body develops and talk to the doctor first. you're growing still.

  3. check out some BMI websites it will tell you your average weight for your height and age and also if your willing to be more fit and in shape check out this website its a great website to track what foods you eat and stuff

    well best wishes!


  4. Just avoid the junk food and try eating healthy foods.

  5. umm, not really. but you should probably try to lose weight, there's other reasons like diabetes, stuff like that ya know?

  6. As you say i am on the small side... you are  on the big side. wouldn`t you reather be 80lbs? haha jk thanks for the answer=]

  7. I'll give you some tips on loosing some weight, this might sound a little hard core depending on what type of person that you are- i don't want you to become a diet freak, just loose a few pounds.

    So here's the deal: you should boost your metabolism by eating small meals, but up to 6 meals a day. Stay away from bread and non-diet pop. Drink up to 2L of water a day and fruit is great too.

    What not to do : don't lift weights, a run or a 20 minute jog are fine but by lifting weight you can harm your body because its not finished growing- and those problems can be permanent.

    I wish you all of the luck in the world! - Lauren, :) <3

  8. Too me that's not overweight, but you can just watch your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables (spinach is a good food) and you'll be good.

  9. you need to burn what you take in, so exercise is the best way.

  10. i agree with Lauren up there :]

    i dont think your fat. i way around

    110 and i turned 15 today.

    & i calculated your BMI and it says

    your overweight.. but you dont have to worry.

    you can calculate yourself, your very close to healthy weight.

    you can loose weight quickly for your age just do regular excercise =)

    good luck! hope i helped x*x

  11. You are definitely on the heavy side.  If you said you were 20 then I would say no your average but at your age you should be around 110 to 120.  When I was 13 I weighed 130lbs and I was 5'10".  You need to start eating healthy foods like whole grain and vegetables.  Join a team sport as well, your at the age you should be able to find something you like and will enjoy, its also the best way I know to stay active and lose weight.  Now your not fat, your very close so just monitor your diet and get active, you'll lose weight in no time and feel much better about yourself.  Good luck!

  12. no you r not fat  never tell yourself you r fat it will take away your convidence

    if you want to lose wieght then jogg, start out with like 10 min jogs

    then 15 20 25 30min joggs

    also try eating healthy like eating salads and maybe some fruits and


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