
Am i fat? please help!?

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i weigh probablly around 130-140 and im 5'4 and im 13. is that bad? and also im fat my stomach comes out a lot and my face is also kinda chubby. and whenever i try on cloths they look bad on me a lot because of my stomach and especially my hips, my hips make my shirts look really bad on me. do u know how i should lose weight, i never exerize, and i really dont have a good diet. i eat cookies and ice cream and pizzas and all the stuff i shouldnt. i barly eat any vegitables i hate them thats one thing i really dont think i can eat on my diet even tho i know that is bad. can u please give me tips to lose about 20-30 pounds?




  1. i wouldn't say that's to bad

    I'm 5'4 and i use to weight 143

    i went to my doctor she got me on a diet and lost 10 pounds in a month.

    if you wanna lose 20-30 pounds its not gonna be easy you need to change wat you eat.drink alot of water. dont eat junk food and exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

    if your not willing to change your habits then good luck with losing weight because sitting around being lazy and eating is not gonna work

  2. You could stand to lose a couple pounds because you are young, and it isn't going to get better.  However, you are okay.  I am 5'3" and 130-140 pounds, and trying to lose like 10-20 pounds.  However, 20-30 is too much.  Good luck.

  3. become a vegetarian!

    it's an easy way to lose weight.

    yeah you're a little on the bigger side :/

  4. Well, if you're looking to lose weight, don't necessarily concentrate on the "losing weight" part.  It's all about feeling good and being healthy than the actual weight.

    Diets are actually really bad.  When I say diets, I mean the ones that last for like a month and then you can apparently go back to your former habits.  You'll just gain the weight back again once you go back to your old habits.  So, it's your actual eating habits you have to change.  My mom's a personal trainer and a huge health nut, so I can give you a few tips:

    1. Cut back on carbs, which in case you don't know, are things like bread, pasta, etc.  You don't need to eliminate anything, but try to cut back.  When you do eat carbs, try whole wheat bread instead of white, and wild rice instead of white rice.  Basically, the white stuff is bad and has little nutrients.  There's also whole wheat pasta.  I find it has a dry texture and I don't like it much, so if you don't like it, just don't eat a lot of pasta.

    2. Eat less starchy foods.  These are things like potatoes, corn, carrots, and peas.  Sweet potatoes are really good for you though.  Again, you don't need to ELIMINATE starch; just cut back.

    3. Dark-coloured things=good.  Any dark coloured fruit or veggie is loaded with nutrients, i.e. blueberries, blackberries, pomegranates, broccoli (there's also something called broccolini; it's like broccoli, but it's sweeter, and I personally like it better), asparagus, and greens such as collard greens and kale.  Since you say you dislike veggies, try cooking the greens in a bit of oil and soy sauce and some diced onions; I quite enjoy it like that.  Also, try putting a bit of butter and salt on broccoli, asparagus, and green beans.  It tastes better.  Apparently cabbage is also good for you, even though it's light-coloured...I don't really understand that one.  If you have a salad, DO NOT use iceberg lettuce.  It's not nutritious at all and is empty calories.  Try romaine, mixed baby greens, or spinach leaves.

    4. Eat lots of protien!  Fish, turkey and chicken b*****s (not cold cuts, because they're processed) are best, but red meat is good too.

    5. Don't fall for the "diet" soda gimmick.  Actually, anything that is "no sugar added" but still sweet is sweetened with either aspertame or sucralose (Splenda) or both.  Both are practically poisonous to your body, and if you look at the calories in a diet soda and a non-diet one, you take off about 20 calories.  So not worth it.  Try to stick to water when you can (I don't blame you if you find this hard though, I hate water myself :P).

    6. Do not consume less than 1000 calories a day.  Less than that will cause your body to go into starvation mode and raise your metabolism, causing you to GAIN weight.  Try eating 6 smaller meals a day as opposed to 3 larger ones.  This will raise your metabolism and promote weight loss.

    7. Avoid eating right before bed.  You won't burn any calories and the food will be stored as fat.

    8. Remember, anything in moderation!  Eat cookies and ice cream and pizza, just not so much.

    In terms of exercise, just find something you like.  I hate running, but I dance, so I'm fit enough for my purposes.  Try biking or swimming or rollerblading.  If you have video game systems, get Dance Dance Revolution!  It's fun, and it's exercise!

    I hope I was of help.  Remember, just do what makes you feel good.  If you think you're overweight, then sure, lose the wieght.  If you're just going by what others say and you think you're fine, s***w them.


  5. I think your ok...just exercise if you feel bad :)

  6. If you don't feel comfortable with your body, then you should start dieting. Start eating healthier food like vegetables, salad, carrots, broccoli, and start cutting down on fatty foods. You don't have to stop eating them completely but you don't need to be chowing them down, either.

    Since you said you don't like vegetables, try to make them tastier. Add dip on your broccoli and dressing on your salad. Look for some healthy recipes on the internet.

    Try excising more, like walking outside with friends, or taking a jog with the family dog (if you have one). Try taking a swimming class or a soccer class.

    But to tell you the truth, you aren't fat, maybe just on the bigger side, but I DEFINITELY wouldn't say fat. But, if you are going to diet, make sure you tell your mum/dad and make sure you inform your doctor.

    Best of luck!




  8. ur at a normal wait jus shead about like 5 lbs and u will be healither :D

  9. i am sorry to say this...

    but you are fat.

  10. You're too overweight.

    You're not necessarily fat, though.

    Reverse your diet.

    If you want to be healthy, change your lifestyle.

    Don't exercise/eat healthy once a while.

    Do it every day.

    1. Drink plenty of water; Lose the fruit juices, sodas, slushies, shakes, smoothies.

    2. Exercise every day. Max: 1 hour and a half

    3. You don't need to go to the gym to exercise. Try jogging around the park a few times, to get your heart pumping.

    Meal Schedule:

    1. Breakfast: 2 Whole-grain waffles (No syrup or butter), 1 glass of Orange Juice/water, and Fresh fruit.

    2. Lunch: Chicken sandwich on whole-grain bread, Water, Fresh Vegetables, (Baby carrots, celery, etc).

    3. Dinner: Baked fish (Not fried), steamed vegetables, water, Wheat bread

    (Make more healthy, original recipes)

    * Do not add any sugar flavorings to water.

    * If you want to lose weight, stick to a healthy lifestyle. You'll feel better.


    Junk Food:

    1. Pizza: Max: 2 SMALL slices

    2. Ice Cream: 2 scoops, no syrup, cream, or sprinkles

    3. Cookies: 2 SMALL cookies, no ice cream.

  11. If you want a healthier body, there are several things to go about this. First, exercise! Okay, so it seems like such a drag. Getting up and exercising. I hate it too. Usually, except...

    Sometimes it can be fun! Join a group or class that you can exercise in, instead of just doing pushups or something. Karate is fun, and a good way to exercise, and useful. Yoga and pilates works too. What do I do for exercise? I'm on the swim team and I dance. Both I love to do, and if I didn't do those things, I'd probably be much less fit.

    Now food. Just because you're going to start eating healthy stuff, doesn't mean you can't eat stuff that tastes good! There are tons of beverages out there with vegetables in them that taste really good! Just look around and experiment with them.

    Ice cream I don't recommend. It's really not healthy. It's okay from time to time, but not often.

    Cookies. Believe it or not, there are cookies that are healthy, and good! Look around in the supermarket to find 100 calorie packs or healthy cookies.

    Pizza. You can have that, sure, but not everyday, and never too many slices.

    Try not to eat because you're craving food. Eat because you're hungry, and stop eating when you're no longer hungry. Some people eat until they're full. You don't NEED to be stuffed before you finish eating! Eat when your body is telling you you need food, and stop eating when you're not hungry anymore.

    Good luck =) And PS... You're not fat, really. I weigh the same amount and I'm only an inch or two taller. You eating and exercising habits just don't sound healthy; it's probably best to correct those now so you'll have it easy when you're an adult!

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