
Am i............fat??

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ive been really really thin all my life. i mean ive had 6 pak abs easily without even trying. so i guess ive been pretty lucky. lately ive been feeling myself on the chubbier side. when i sit i feel my tummy rolling up and it leaves it with red marks where my roles were. im 5'8 and 102 pounds. im 13. am i fat??

what are some excerises i can do to loose weight? besides running, i run 2 miles twice a week.




  1. No, you're about average

  2. just don't eat late night no later than 700 ,if not your going to get like norman

  3. If you're thinking about this at 13, you are very self concious and have other issues at hand.  5/8 @ 102 is way to thin for a man.  Hit the weight room and get up to a minimum of 180lbs.  I've you're a woman (girl in this case), consult with your doctor.  Weight is very dynamic and a decision of health should be made by a doctor and not a group of yahoo users.

  4. DANG! i wish i was your size but I'm far from it I'm 13 - 5'3" and 155 lbs. Count your blessings! besides even if you were fat it shouldn't matter- people should like you for the inside not the the outside!

  5. your actually not fat at all.  5'8 and 102 you should be long and skinny honey.

    Don'y by into this perfect body BS all over the place.

  6. no way are you fat, it's probably just your body adjusting...i gained a lot of weight between the ages of 11 and it's kinda just melting off

    some good exercises are sit-ups, side kicks, side punches, toe touches, stuff like that

    seriously?  you run 2 miles twice a week?  that would have killed me at 13

    you're my hero

    AND you're 102?

    you sound perfect

  7. No, you aren't fat. It's skin that's rolling up. You probably just aren't toned (That doesn't mean you are fat!!!!!!)  I am 5'4" and I weigh 115lbs. And some people think I'm too skinny. You are just fine. You don't want to look like a skeleton. Stop worrying so much about it and just enjoy your life. You are too young to be hyped up about a problem that isn't there.

  8. Lucky... I'm 5'10", 185-ish, and 13. You're not fat.

  9. wow... no you're SO skinny...

    for how tall you are,man, you're thin

  10. Are you serious?...

    h**l yes you are fat

  11. Are you serious ? You are know where near fat ! My daughter is 13 and she is 5 foot even and she is 136 pounds and she is solid no stomach just muscle . I am sure you are a little thing it is all in your head .

  12. fat would be an understatement

  13. way. Nastia Liukin (Gymnast) is 5 ft 3 and 100lbs

  14. your not fat!

    at your age everything like hormones are kicking in

    so you'll put on weight EVERYONE will in some way

    at 13, to be honest, you don't need to worry, you no-were near obese or anything like that, and just worry about having a Good time and not worry about what other people think to much and think about what YOU like best, so their is no need to worry, but if you would feel happier and more confident loosing weight, just do more fast walking, and even a slow jog,nothing too hardcore, because you really don't need to. hope this helps and good luck!

  15. no,the average 5'8 13 year old weights 110-118.I'm 6'1 240lbs but im going to be a football player.

  16. 5' 8 and 102 pounds definitely isn't fat. It sounds like you just need to tone more, not lose weight.

  17. What the ****, 5'8 and 102 pounds, if you ask me, you need to get fatter.

    And stop being a little girl your 5'8 and 13, and 102 pounds. People are jealous of you.

  18. no you are not fat.  I think that you are under weight.  Check with your doctor and ask him/her that question.

  19. no no no no. :)

    everyone's stomach does that anyway.. think about it ... when you crunch up like that your skin has to fold.. imagine if it stayed flat.. that wouldnt be possible.

    your young though so stay active & eat right because you never had to try to be thin and it will catch up to you in your 20's when your metabolism slows down!

  20. you shouldn't feel bad about yourself

    and even if you think you are well think of ways to help you instead of bagging on yourself

    it is just gonna make it worst

    but even if i don't know u i would say no

    to help you

    1 you can play sports

    2 eat healthy no junk food

    3 don't sit or sleep after eating

    4 don't be lazy

    5 be active

    6 you can walk around your neighborhood

    7 ride a bike

    8 skate board etc

    9 don't take a big portion on food

    10 don't stress to much

  21. 102? and fat? I think your friends are telling you things are not true if that's the case..  work out is good but dont panic now! you are just 13!!!!

  22. im 5'1 and 100 pounds and im 14. your deffinately NOT FAT!!! your so lucky. im jealous

  23. no.. it's just baby fat :D you will gro into it :D


  24. I am 15 and fat but I am 185 pounds and I am 6 foot tall  

  25. try running 1 mile 5 times a week  

  26. you are soooooooo skinny

    the actual ideal healthy weight for someone your age and height is 138 pounds so dont worry!!!

  27. 5 foot eight! OMG your tall lol.... no your not not at all i know eleven yr olds that are  like 5 foot and 105 so no your not

  28. OMG are you serious??????????? NO UR NOT!!!!!! I'm 15 and I'm 5"8 also but I weigh 130 and I have the same problem with my tummy but when I stand up I look great. You're not even close to being fat! I think that if you did try to lose weight then you would be considered annorexic. seriously. You actually sound like you need to gain weight! I'm definitely not fat and i'm the same height as you and i weigh 28 pounds more than you. I have a bf also and guys actually try to steel me from him. lol. seriously! It would actually make me feel bad if you thought you were fat cause that would mean I'm EXTREMELY FAT and I KNOW I'm NOT!!!!!

  29. You are not fat at all! For you age and height, you sound too skinny, or underweight. I am 5'6'', 13 years old, and weigh 110 pounds, and I think I am very thin, so does everybody else. Don't think your fat, and don't let others tell you you are. Some excerices are push ups, lifting weights, etc. Go to the gym if you really want to but don't become annorexic...I'd say your weight is absolutely fine!

  30. no! 102 lbs is not fat. besides, everyone has fat on their body somewhere, we need it to survive. we're not sticks. don't let the media define you. as long as you're healthy, you're beautiful!

  31. r u kidding me???! if anything,you're friend is 5'8" and weighs about 120 and shes tiny so i cant imagine how skinny u r! don't worry,u r not fat.
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