
Am i fit or unfit or really obese im not sure in my eyes i am?

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i wiegh around 177lbs

and am only 14

any dieting tips would be nice to





  1. what is your height?   diet and workout

  2. I'm 16 and I lost over 55 pounds on weight watchers! If you really want to loose weight and keep it off I suggest trying this, I really expected to join and fail, but I really have done awesome! I would ask your mom and dad because it's so worth it, and you will have more confidence in yourself. If you have any questions you can email me! ♥

  3. your unfit but your not obese

  4. um.

  5. I don't know how tall you are so I can't answer your question about if you are fit, unfit, or obese. But if you want to lose some weight cut your calories to around 1200 a day, drink lots of water, and exercise. Also cut your sugar and sodium (salt) intake.  

  6. Teen averages


  7. First thing is to stop seeing yourself as you might think others see you. I know that's really hard, especially at your age, but if you want to be healthy you need to pay attention to how *you* feel.

    Don't do stupid crash diets, or stupid diets that don't let you have any of the normal things people eat. They might make an adult lose weight, but at what expense? We really don't know. You're still growing, and you need proper nutrition, so eat a well balanced diet. If you cut out anything, cut out junk foods and sodas. They don't give you anything useful, so you don't need them. Watch out for stupid diets!

    Do find some kind of exercise that you like. You don't have to go to some expensive gym or stick to some stupid exercise programme you don't like. Just a bit of walking is good. It doesn't matter what: maybe it'll be hillwalking, or maybe Dance Dance Revolution, or whatever.. It doesn't matter. Exercise is good.

    The biggest thing is not to give up! No matter what, no matter what anyone says. If anyone gives you sass, give it them right back! The best person to see to your health is you.

    EDIT:with allegiance to another poster, Weight Watchers, as far as I have been able to tell, is not a stupid diet. It's actually a sensible plan. If you go with Weight Watchers, make sure you follow a plan that's appropriate for your age. There's tons of material out there.

  8. Ideal body weight calculator for children and adults:

    Body Mass Index calculator for children and adults:

    This web site from the National Institutes for Health tells how to take charge of your weight:

    Here is a page that explains how to eat a balanced diet for different calorie levels.  Although this page is intended for diabetics, this is the same balanced diet that is recommended for everyone.

    A healthy exercise program addresses all five aspects of physical fitness: aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body fat composition.  

    This is an excellent site for exercise:

  9. Hello sweetie. My name is Donna and I am a personal trainer here in Maryland. I saw your question and I am so proud of you for being bold enough to want to get some help. How tall are you? My daughter was 200 llbs. when she was 14 so I know all about it. The best diet tips I can give you are the ones that helped her. For have to try to make yourself a cut off time for eating. Try 8:00. 7:30 is better, but if thats eating after 8 than. Also, DANCE! Even if you dont know how to that well, look on you tube for dances...if you like country, try the line dancing, if you like hip hop try the soulja boy or any kind of hip hop dancing. Put on your ipod, close your door and get your groove on. Dancing helped her because it was great cardio and she could do it in the privacy of her own home. Try to dance to 3 songs in a row. Really move your hips and arms and legs and get crazy with it! Give up the sodas and drink a big glass of water before each meal. It'll fill your stomach up so you don't eat as much. You can do it..I know you can. Just by you asking for help shows me you have the willpower. I'm counting on you! Good luck!

  10. Unless your something like 6 foot tall, I would say that 177lbs would technically put you in the obese column.  Your only 14 though, it should be way easier for you to lose weight as your metabolism is faster than an adults.

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