
Am i funny or just plain hurtful?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so heres my situation, in 6th grade (currently in 10th) i was always made fun of. it really hurt me inside because i was chubbier than normal, and kinda short. so i basically, re-did myself, and im now 6ft tall and a little less chubby, but the point is, that ever since around 8th grade, i have turned into an a*****e, i mean i will just start making fun of sumone until basically i see them cry. i dont know why i do it, sometimes i even do it wthout thinking, and im scared because i dont want this to ruin my life, i mean, alot (alot) of people tell me im really funny, and i can work a groupp of people into laughing, but its not a knock-knock joke, im always bashing someone else, i just nneed to know why im doing this, and if im hurting anyone? since i started in 8th grade, i've made 2 people cry really bad and im not feeling happy at the moment.




  1. Yes you are sort of an ***. I keep my evil on the internet and channel it on jonas brothers fans.  

  2. It's hard to give an easy answer. But you are doing a good thing to be aware of what you are doing and admitting that it makes you feel unhappy to do it. If you can catch it now and not let it become an unfeeling habit, you'll be happier in the long run; you know you will.

    I think it must have something to do with being in control of the situation. When you were in 6th, what others did must have made you feel helpless and unable to do anything about the bad way they were treating you. But now you are finding out how good and powerful it feels (in some ways) to strongly affect a person's feelings -- to make them laugh or cry. It can become something like an addictive obsession to be in that kind of control. (And perhaps underneath somewhere there is a bit of glee at doing a little payback, even if it's not the same people who hurt you?)

    This is a delicate subject, but the hormones in your body are causing changes now too, so that can be a source of aggressive behavior.

    As an aside, some comedians make quite a living out of insulting people, but notice, they aren't directing it at someone personally. There's a difference. They don't have to wreck someone's day in order to keep their audience. And yeah, buddy, it's a heady feeling to have a little power over an audience. :-)

    If you can't seem to quit doing it, you might want to talk about it to an older person you trust. It's a sign of strong character that you are concerned about it. Good for you.

  3. you're doing it because you're simply still insecure about your body subconciously. The thing you have to realize is that yes you are hurting other people, but you can change, when you catch yourself tearing into someone, stop yourself and appologize to the person that you'r talking to and just say 'dude i am being a douche'

    being nice, and well respected, is more important than being funny

  4. its probably because you used to get made fun of a lot when you were younger. now you're just taking it out on other people. try to channel your anger into something else like a sport.

  5. What your're doing is wrong. The only reason you're doing it is to make yourself feel better. Stop being such a bully and leave the little people alone. You're hurting alot of people and some may be innocent. Why don't you pick on someone your own size. I grew up and I got teased and taunted in the 7th grade. Everyone made fun of me because I had big eyes. Kids will be kids, you just have to learn how to grow up and be a man. You need to be more considerate of other's feelings. One day you're going to make fun of the wrong person and there going to turn around and make you suffer the consequences.  

  6. You shouldn't feel happy. Why would you make fun of people when you yourself were made fun of??  

    What you're doing is mean.  

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