
Am i g*y? straight? bisexual? or just bi curious?

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Okay, my situation is a bit weird. First up, i go to an all-boys catholic school in sydney and I'm 16. So homosexuality is taboo. Despite the fact i go to a catholic school i am an atheist (and proud of it) and everyone in my year knows that.

But for the past year i have started to wonder if I'm g*y (i didn't have any g*y fantasies... i was just wondering). In the last week i have started to have g*y fantasies and feelings and i have started to wonder seriously if i am g*y. But at the same time i am crushing on a girl at my work. Also i am not romantically attracted to men, whereas i am both sexually and romantically attracted to women. So this brings me to final question whether these feelings are a lead up to being g*y or bisexual or just simple bi curiosity.




  1. you know im catholic and i hate the bull c**p that soem christian think about homosexuality

    just be yourself

    and be proud of it ;)

  2. Ok you have g*y fantasies... so what! everyone has fantasies about all sorts of things it doesn't make them into anything more than human. if you act on these fantasies then you can start questioning yourself, until then just enjoy all those naughty thoughts.

    You are human, so live your life how you want to, and most importantly enjoy yourself, don't let others cramp your style

  3. Your 16, still learning about yourself. Dont act upon it untill you are sure, and you will just know when you know, theres not a time limit on this kind of thing. Chances are, its hormones playing havoc with your brain. x

  4. i think you are bi curious since you are not romantically/sexually attracted to men. furthermore these feelings could be due to the environment you go to everyday so it may not be a good judgment on whether you're g*y or not.

  5. Being g*y is a sin

    sorry, couldn't resist but yeah anyways, you sound bi curious to me and don't worry I'm not sure myself whether I'm bi or just bi curious myself but I'll just say bi anyway, couldn't really be bothered typing out the curious part.  

  6. your bi-curios and theres nothing wrong with it- dont worry!!

    :) your fine!!!!    :)

  7. crushing on a girl? is that a sexual thing? i think not. i have girlfriends who i love that i don't have s*x with. are you acting on any of your sexual urges? from the tone of this question it sounds like you "like" girls, and wanna "bone" guys. 'you got some essplainin' to do lucy!"  ;-) don't get all bent out of shape about it. lots of guys are g*y, your not the first and won't be the last ;-)

    lots of g*y guys never do anything anal. that's like lots of str8 guys never do anything anal, that means nothing.

  8. Bi curious at least. The best way to find out would be to hook up with a guy.

    Either way, stand your ground and good luck with any catholic bullshit you are almost guaranteed to hear.

  9. You're curious just

    you're not romantically attracted to men you are just curious about them

    Only one way  to find out

    hook up with a guy

  10. There is only one way to find out!


    GO FOR IT!

  11. youre going to h**l my friend

  12. i think when you think your a g*y, you'll start having this feeling that your attracted to men but the actually your not.

  13. YES! since you are romantically attracted to men.

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