
Am i going crazy with my please

by  |  earlier

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Every time i go to sleep it takes at least 2 hours, and when i am asleep i have weird dreams about dying. they are pretty intense too, i also dream that i can hear voices and it wakes me up......whats wrong with me???????????




  1. If you activate your email, Robert, we can talk - that is how I can help you.

    What has been said above is partially true, but there can be no answer to this without more questions being answered...

    I will ask the right ones and you will always give me the right answer.

    (except the 10% who don't like giving people with high scores extra credit...)

  2. Nothing!

    You have an over active brain and need to find a relaxation technique,before bed time.

    Fresh air is always a good idea and gentle exercise,

    Even just a short walk,followed by a bath, a little reading and eating food that will not interfere with your sleep.

    This may take a while,before your body adjusts,

    and of course if it continues have a word with your G.P.

    Good Luck.

  3. yeah that's happened to me

    I had stress and anxiety

    you just have to calm down and relax

    just play some soft music to help you get to sleep

    think happy thoughts :)

  4. If you try to get some exercise in during the day then that might help you fall asleep. Heat up a glass of milk can also help. Have you been under more stress then usual lately or something just really bothering you? That could help cause the trouble falling asleep, and the weird dreams. When you sleep part of your brain is processing your day.  

  5. ur being visited by spirits

  6. It probably does seem like you're going crazy sometimes with these types of worries about sleep, the time when the body is supposed to be at ease and regenerating for the next wake cycle.  However, the description you give about your trouble falling asleep, morbid dreams, intensity of emotion, hearing voices that wake seems that you are experiencing a tremendous deal of anxiety which is carried over from waking hours into your sleep pattern.  Anxiety causes confusion and then additional upset about the initial confusion, causing more upset about the upset, and so on -- the escalation progressing until one feels like he/she is "losing it."  It is probably important to seek the opinion of your medical doctor for recommendations;  initially, medication is helpful in de-escalating the overwhelming symptoms of anxiety, following with an inclusion of  therapy in the form of biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral therapy with a licensed professional therapist or counselor, and environmental changes found to be effective for altering these sleep disturbances you're dealing with right now.  Based on your description, this has been happening for a period of time but presently seems to be getting worse, ....definitely getting to you, even up to a point where you use terms like "crazy," "intense," "dying," "weird," and emphasized use of question marks in your written message,  all of which indicates exasperation, another form of anxiety.  It is important for you to seek assistance from your family medical doctor to get things rolling towards resolution of your response to your situation.  Best wishes.

  7. What is wrong is that you appear to have one or many great fears.Perhaps you lost someone dear in your life and you fear you too will die.Dreams are a metaphorical representation of our fears and desires.

    Nightmares represent our fears.To conquer them you must face your fears.

  8. it's normal..

    but i talk in my sleep..

    EVERY night..

    pretty weird..

    i just ramble on about random stuff..

  9. i think that i had  that same thing happen to me as well. you could be nervous or have anxiety for something. for me it was going to a new school. hope i helped.

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