
Am i going insane?? or is it just what they call anxiety? ?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning and felt really intense fear and had pains all through my body i started shaking and had this feeling that something terrible is about to happen. I havent had much sleep for the past few days as my husband is on nightshift and i cant sleep when he is not there. i just went to hop into bed with him and then suddenly i felt so out f otouch with my own body and started feeling really scared. Am i going crazy? i have a history of anxiety but i have never felt so out of touch with reality before. im 22 weeks pregnant also so im getting really afraid. Will i be ok? is it just what they call an anxiety or panic attack? who else has felt really out of touch with reality when having anxiety? im soooo scared they wil put me away....




  1. You are NOT going insane! You said that you have a history of anxiety. Your symptoms are signs of an anxiety attack. You will be fine. It may be that its worse because you are pregnant, and going through some hormonal changes. Not enough sleep makes you even more vulnerable to attacks. I have had that weird feeling of being out of touch, like I'm in a dream.

    Next time it happens, try this. Sit down and try to breathe - in through your nose, out through your mouth. DON'T huff and puff, you'll hyperventilate and maybe make it worse. Look around you and notice your surroundings. Look at each piece of furniture and name what it is. Coffee table. Lamp. Carpet. Keep doing this until you are closely aware of where you are. Don't give in to the temptation to judge; the carpets don't need to be vacuumed, the dust on the table can wait. Just notice what you see, hear, and smell.

    This is mindfulness. Practice this several times a day. It really works to stop a panic attack.


    Here's a website:

    I hope this helps. Good luck. :)

  2. You're having a panic attack. Whether it's because the burden of the child you're carrying or just because of your recent experience with anxiety. Don't worry it's normal, you're not going insane. Go to a doctor and get some help. They will NOT put you away, especially since you're carrying a child with you.

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