
Am i going insane..or just tuned in with the spirit world?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and i'm currently trying to figure out if i'm going crazy..or just spiritually tuned in. I hear voices and see things that other people would never have thought of seeing or hearing. I only see and hear stuff in certain parts of my house. I have caught some things on camera..but some things I havn't and i'm not sure if their actually there or if i'm just exagerating some things.

Can someone please help?




  1. call up a local ghost whisperer.

  2. Insane. You should get an evaluation, or cut back on whatever product you are abusing.  

  3. spritually tuned in is my guess. I wish i was as spriritually tuned in as you!! of course, that may creep me out too.... hmmm.

  4. this reminds me of the movie "the Eye".

    ya knoww, the one with jessica alba.

  5. Well what do you think...does it seem haunted to you or like religous?

    Are you a christian cause if you are then that is normal, but if you think its haunted, then thats normal too.  What parts of your house are you seeing and hearing things?  You should put a video or pictures on here so people can take a look at it and tell you what thing think...

  6. Sounds like you have a gift.I was the same way as a young person.I'd hear,see,feel things.They said I was possessed.Yea right!As long as your not seeing black shadows,or decrepid things I think you'll be alright.Check out the history of your house.God may have blessed you with the gift of 'sight' and 'hearing'.There are other signs of haunting too.Temp. drop (cold air from no where),a hand when theres no one there.Better to accept it and deal with it than to try to fight it.It will make you till things move on there own.That'll really get your

  7. if you have photos

    then not insane then huh

    if possible mail me the photos

    email is in my profile


  8. Hi,

    It must be frightening for you to be going through this. Your house is likely to be haunted. I am not sure if you believe in any religion but I have friends who chant and repeat prayers whenever they have such encounters and the spirits could be heard walking away etc. Worth a try even if you do not really believe in it since you probably have to continue living in your house. It would also be helpful to tell someone you can trust and who is non-judgmental about it. Get whatever support you can find. Btw, is this a brand-new house or is there some history behind this that you might want to find out? Might be helpful to find out what happened to the previous owners.

    Take care!

  9. yeah, i think either your house is filled with spirits (not to scare you or anything) or its just you imagination. but if it's really your house u should call or look online for help. here a website also tell your mother and father that your experiencing these things....hope that helps.

  10. Do you know for sure you're not insane?  Schizophrenia can strike at any age!

  11. Hiya.

    Well, you may be hearing voices and you may not be.

    But, I'll feel you because I used to experience the same thing. When I was your age I remember hearing plenty of voices, and at times I felt like I could hear full conversations that came out of no where. Like I could almost write them down. Some times I would also see figures and feel spirits around me. Especially in nasty areas but sometimes out of nowhere.

    I also thought that I was going bonkers but when I spoke to other people, like my family, and psychics I learned that these things were normal and just kinda happened.

    You will eventually learn how to stop the voices with time. Try to hone in on these messages and control what you are receptive to. You don't have to listen to all the voices, it's just that right now you are being too open and getting **** thrown at you from all over the place.

    As for the camera thing, are you kidding me? really?  

  12. you probably have spirits in the house...and thats normal

    but that Chrisitians would is that:

    The evil one is now entering a house of God

    meaning the yah...your not crazy

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