
Am i going to get taller?

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im 14 turning 15 next month and 5'7". my doctor said i might be like 5'9". is there anyway i can be like 6' or sumthing cuz like alot of people are taller than me. my parents are like 5'6" but i have uncles that are like 6'2". please help




  1. No, you're probably about as tall as you're going to get. You might grow a half-inch or so, but I think you can forget getting to six foot.

    You'll just have to be a cute short guy, like Michael J. Fox or Leonardo DiCaprio.

  2. Yeah you probably will get taller, you're only 14 yet.

  3. No one can tell you that. If you grow, you do. If you do not, you don't. You should hit a growth spurt sometime, or you might just never get that tall.

  4. 6?

    no sweety don't .

    that's too tall, which makes u look TOO thin and boney.

    and girls DONT like that.

    5'9 is fine or 5'10 more.

    But still, if u insist, u can grow taller by playing basketball or anything that has to do with jumping.

    Do it fast ..cuz' once u are 17 u cant grow more!!

  5. on average boys keep growing until about 21 so i'm guessing you have enough time to reach that height but everyone is different so i guess only time will tell.  

  6. You will probably peak at 5'11 at the age of 18 when males usually stop growing.

    Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it.

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